MovieChat Forums > The Simpsons (1989) Discussion > Would the show be forced into cancellati...

Would the show be forced into cancellation if they gave Lisa a nude scene?

The creators have avoided this for 30 years now while they had scenes with all the other family members in their birthday suits more than once, so i'm guessing it would stir up some real crap, even back when in it's peak when the show took all sorts of risks they apparently didn't want to go there. Not even a shoulder and up shot of her. I'm not american so i don't know the rules of animation over there but it seems like the biggest no go zone for you guys. (Yeah, i know about the baby photo episode, but i mean at her normal age)


seek help


Calm down.


hahaha...... oh my god.


Some of the creeps from IMDb seem to have followed over here.


Lisa, Bart and Homer were all shown naked from head to toe in a short animation which was used for a french laundry detergent commercial that aired in the later 90's. Don't know if it was actually animated by the official studio though. You can find it on Youtube.


Vizir Detergent
Homer sounds really gay.
