DVD release ever?

Does any one know or heard anything if this will ever be released on DVD?


Heard nothing so far. I doubt there ever will be one.

For DEMONIC TOYS and updates on Full Moon Films:


There will be no release of Rescue 911. It's not feesable and probably would not turn a profit, and a lot of the masters aren't available right now. I've emailed Arnold Shapiro about this over the years, and he's replied to all of my questions.


If they put Rescue 911 on DVD would they have to pay some of the people who were in the reenactments again?


I would imagine that they would have to pay royalties in some form or another to everyone involved in the show which could number into the thousands if you include all of the local actors used in the recreations, the stuntmen, the victims themselves and the local field production teams.

Never mind the task of having lawyers track them down and getting them to sign royalty agreements and get the needed clearances to do it which would be so cost prohibitive that they'd have to sell a million copies or more just to turn a small profit on the DVD release.

The sad fact is that Rescue 911 will probably never come to DVD and if it does each season will have a very high price point probably somewhere in the $60-80 range while a box set would probably run in the $250-300 range just so the production company could turn a small profit off the release after royalties licensing fees and production costs,

However if by some miracle it did make it to DVD I'd buy every season in a second.

"No cause or faith has ever stopped a bullet from a gun"
(Gary Moore)


Best we will have I think is what's on youtube. Thank the few guys who have put everything up :)
