Well, I can't really say these are my favourite, but they're the ones I vaguely remember.
A kid gets his tongue stuck in a canteen? A kid slices his arms open running through a glass door and t-shirts are tied around them? A dalmatian gets stuck in a well or someting?
Anyone remember these episodes or recall others that you liked?
Random, I know, but I'm feeling a little nostalgic.
But um I remember this baby falling through a glass window/door and her intestines like spilling out or something.
And... I remember the dalmation one. The animal ones were stupid. No one cares about animals...
Two boys get struck by lightning sitting under a tree Neglected baby drowning in bathtub Girl in go-cart (VCR engine) getting hit by a car Kid getting almost run over by a train the backyard Kid stuck in pool drain Floods Fire Horse problem Maybe GOD OK I REMEMBER MORE BUT I DON'T FEEL LIKE TALKING ABOUT IT
I really didn't have any favorites. I just liked to watch it. but heres some episodes I remember.
The one where students are helping their science teacher move into a new science lab and they play in the sink throwing water everywhere and then some accidently gets thrown in a glass that has some kinds of chemicals or something which causes to fizz up bad likes it gonna blow and then the teacher grabs it to get it out of the school before it blows and right when he gets to the main doors it explodes right in his face.
another where a cop sees a van going really fast down the road and swerveing back and fourth and when he pulls it over he can't see in the windows cause there tinted. the cop thought it was a drunk driver. but when the door opens it turns out to be a woman going into labor, she was trying to drive herself to the hospital because there was no one around to drive her.
another where a cop helps a woman get her car off the railroad track right at the last mintue.
another where a parrot saves its owners from a gas leak.
the one where a thief breaks into some kind store through a glass door with a crowbar. when he starts to leave the place he notices sharp pieces of glass sticking out the way he came in and he left his crowbar on the other side that he couldn't get to and he calls for help and decides to turn himself in.
"a kid slices his arms open running through a glass door and t-shirts are tied around them?"
that's my most vivid memory of this show. i also remember an episode where this woman and her little boy are at home alone, and her ex husband or ex boyfriend shows up. the little boy is coloring, and the mother asks him if she can color some (while kinda ignoring the ex husband) and she writes "call 911" in the coloring book with the crayon. the little boy leaves the room and eventually does call 911, but unfortunately by the time this happens he's describing to the operator how his father(?) stabbed his mother and how bad the situation is. that episode was pretty scary.
I just remember one story from the show that has always stuck out in my mind.
A mom in on the lawnmower in the front yard, and a kid runs out to tell her something. The mom doesn't see the kid, and when the boy trips, it becomes a lawncare misadventure. The mom runs over both of his legs, if I can remember correctly. Memorable stuff, right there.
I think if the show was tweaked a little, it could still be a hit in this era of graphic blood and gore TV.
the one that shcoked the hell out of me in 1990, when I was 5, was the story about the pool drain, and the kids intestine being sucked out.
God that was sick...
Or the one where the guy SAWS HIS OWN LEG OFF because its stuck under a tree.
or the one where the brother runs with a knife and stabs his little sister!
Or the home invasion where he takes an old man and his wife hostage.
God those were like "Here kids, we will show you what happens when you act stupid"
Simmilar to "Dont be stupid when your little" "why?" "You might die a horrible and painful death, or end up horribly disfigured" "oh" "also dont chop down trees like an idiot and stand under them"
there's only one episode i can remember aside from the mentally paralyzed guy (thank you driver's ed for that wonderful video) who crashed while driving drunk. this one where a lady and her kids were in a building and she left her kids alone and one went down the escalater and got caught or something. it scared the crap out of me when i was little! i wondered how they could get so many camera angles but the guys with the cameras wouldnt help the little boy!
my favorite (if I am remembering this right) was the one where the lady was going to her friends home during a winter storm and for some reason she is walking and her friend finds her frozen solid not far from her home.
The one about the mother deer who was hit on the freeway! There was a car accident involving her and she was not going to make it, but they realised she was pregnant, gave her quick, and very very ammateur surgery but got the baby out. And he lived. They named him freeway. I remember it almost every time i see a deer. :-)
I was pretty young when this show was on the air but I do remember one episode. This kid was in a room on the second story and was leaning on an open window and the screen gave out and he fell through.
I am a train buff and I remember three episodes that I would love to see again -A man's tackle shop is broken into and tries to beat a train to stop the robbers (he lives) -A lady get rear ended and her car stops on the railroad track. A man come and pulls her out moments before the train hits her car (I really want to see this one!!!!) -A older couple is hit at a crossing by some runaway hoppers and a police officers save them by turning the hand brake "Sadley the women dies :-("
one of my favorites is when the 911 dispatcher is choking on a piece of hard candy and she keeps setting of the local ambulanc squad's tones to get their attention. one of the funniest episodes in my opinion was the one when the kid got his tounge stuck in the canteen.
The one where 2 boys were playing on a river bank, then one of them falls in and the other goes to rescue but ends up falling in also, there was young black couple walking close and they heard the boys yelling for help. the black man goes to help but before he goes he tells his girlfriend or wife, to tell his mother that their not gonna be able to make to dinner that night. he goes in the water and manages to rescue the boys but sadly he didn't make out of the water because the current was so strong and it made him weak. I thought it was sad, I actually cried when I saw it.
Any episodes that were hilarious without meaning to be or caused by stupidy were my fav!!
Lets see::
Kid runs with knife!!!
Kid hangs himself with the rope while pulling a prank for his friend!!!
The kid shoots his sister while she lays on bed-- the kid was never supposed to play with it!! It's a gun-- and he was like 6 or 7!! HELLO!!!
The one I like to call the pedophile epiosde!!!
A young 12 yr old girl is babysitting a nearby neighbors little boy...a man in a car drives in a car and pulls up next to the house.. and starts watching her clean up...then we hear banging on the door!!
Sick pedophile!!
Kid sticks his hand in pool drain-- and it gets sucked in with him not being able to get out!!
Kid sticks his tongue in freezer getting it stuck!!! Absolutley stupid and hilarious-- anyone that stupid should deserve what comes their way!!!
Maybe he would have learned a lesson had he not been rescued!!!
He could have tugged at his tongue to release it.. it may have been bloody but he would have been free!!
And the girl who rides up the chair lift by hanging from her moms arm because she could not get up into the seat properly, and mom never got off with her when she failed to get in the seat!! She could have got back in line to wait for the next chair to come around!! And have a lift attendant lift her little girl into the seat!!
Or the mom who leaves her baby in the tub unoccupied with the water going as she splits out the door to see a garbage man for 10 seconds!! NEVER LEAVE A BABY OR SMALL CHILD ALONE OR OUT OF YOUR SITE IN A TUB OR POOL!!
The kid who chokes on a marble!!
Or the kid who pours GASOLINE on the pot of leaves to get a campfire going!! He got it going alright!!!
He got his campfire going with a bang!!!
Or the kid who lights the big firecracker in his bedroom with it in his hand..it goes off in his hand!! For one, that should be done by an adult who is mature enough and knows how to handle fireworks or explosives of that kind...light it then chuck it instantly!!!
MY point:: Stupidity can cost you your life!!!
But I do love the rescue with the Cival War reenactment where the man has a heart attack after the reenactment ends...this man had a lot of courage and the people who helped him were true civil war heroes!!
He never deserved to have the heart attack!!
At least it was not caused by doing something dumb!!
Or that other episode where those two convicts in the hospital take those perimedics in the ambulance hostage!!
Was like an extended suspensefull version of COPS!!
I am a train buff and I remember three episodes that I would love to see again -A man's tackle shop is broken into and tries to beat a train to stop the robbers (he lives) -A lady get rear ended and her car stops on the railroad track. A man come and pulls her out moments before the train hits her car (I really want to see this one!!!!) -A older couple is hit at a crossing by some runaway hoppers and a police officers save them by turning the hand brake "Sadley the women dies :-("
-Two toddlers wander into the woods and play on the tracks. The conductor sees them, jumps of of the train, and tries to get them out of the way. The snow plow bumps one of them on the head and he has to get stiches.
-A teen with his learner's permit and his aunt are driving in dense fog and their car gets hit by a train.
-Some kids are playing on top of a stopped train. It starts moving while they're on top of it and one of them falls into a boxcar. The other two are too afraid to tell their parents and the kid is stuck in there for days. He's finally discovered when a toddler is playing outside and tells his grandma that the train is talking. It's actually the trapped kid calling for help.
-A woman's car stalls on a railroad crossing and she can't get her baby out of his car seat. A cop manages to push the car out of the way at the last second. This one is also on YouTube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wnmMvr8qBSI reply share
I sort of remember that episode.. the baby was wraped in a blanket sort in a ditch i think-- the two men find him-or her ice cold, and rush him to the hospital...and the two men I think name it after their first names...!!! That was a real rescue where a person realy saves a life!!
I liked the story about the Charles Stuart murder case. It was a ride along that turned into a major story in the United States. I also liked the story about the Oklahoma City bombing. I was moved to tears on that story. Any story caught on tape is always my favorite.
I always hated the ones about kids, but one was really funny, a kid was playing hide and seek and went to hide in the laundry chute, well he started screaming and his mom got to him, but couldn't pull him out or push him down. Well in comes grandma and she's scolding him while the poor kid is stuck in there and when the fire fighters come in she's trying to tell the fire fighters how to do their job. It was so hilarious. I remember one of the fire fighters name was spike.
Another funny episode was when they were trying to make a plaster mold of this guys face and they forgot to put oil or something on it to keep it from sticking to his skin. They took him to a dentist office and the guy that was going to get it off him was his ex-girlfriends dad.
Once I did wrong, I heard it ever, Twice I did right, I heard it never!
I just watched on where the guy had the plaster mask stuck on his face last night, I hadn't seen it in a while. I laughed when they were trying to walk him out of the room and he walked into the wall.
I used to watch this show all the time. There are so many I remember that I don't know which one's my favorite.
A kid gets his arm stuck at the bottom of the escalator. A little girl tips her chair back into a glass door A teenage boy rescues two girls from a flooded drainage ditch(or whatever it was) A boy drives the schoolbus after the busdriver passes out A girl dials a wrong number on New Years and an old guy who needs help answers so she calls 911 for him A boy gets bit in the rear by a rattlesnake Christmas trees catch on fire and eventually burn the houses down Boy gets severely burned after pouring gasoline on a fire A sister gives her little brother CPR after he drowns in their backyard pool (I can remember this one because the pool was SO huge-like Olympic size huge) A teenage shoots himself after his dad catches him and sister at home from playing hooky A brother and sister are alone at home with a couple friends and the girl gets shot after one of their friends is playing with the father's gun A guy finds a bobcat in his mansion-size house
There are a lot more I can recall, but I don't wanna take up a whole page. I wish they would bring the show back on the Discovery Health Channel or even better, on DVD.
The man who traps himself in the glass store, and calls 911 to get out!! The girl who dangles from a ski lift Boy who chokes on a marble Boy who chokes on a penny Boy who chokes on a cribbage peg Boy who chokes on a piece of ham Boy who chokes on peas Santa saves a choking boy Guy who kidnaps girl Boy gets kidnapped by a guy in brown car Man gets stung by bees after accidently stepping on a bees nest.. Guy gets covered with bees while on a tractor Baby dead at birth- a stillborn Man who has a heart attack after a civil war reenactmant Girl has asthma attack while marching in a parade Bus loses brakes Truck loses brakes Toddler falls off 6 floors of a condo Teenage girl has allergic reaction to nuts in a cookie Teenage girl has allergic reaction to shrimp.. Girl snow-tubing slams into a tree.. Peeping Tom Arsonist who plays phone tag with cops Shriners clown has heart attack during a circus performance--or just after he walks off stage I think!! Girl gets her leg caught between the wall and a heighta-bed!! Kid chokes on a christmas bulb ornament Kid chokes on a jolly rancher Kid chokes on a life saver Teenager gets his leg caught under an ascending kiddie roller coaster as it starts up the track-- Kid get his hand caught in pool drain Man pulls 2 paramedics from a burning ambulance after it flips over Man nearly dies from suicide by sitting in a car breathing the exhaust in the garage... 2 convicts take an ambulance hostage A man drugged up fakes a heart attack to take the ambulance medics and drivers hostage!! An M-80 explodes in a boy's hand.. Boy burned by fire after playing with gasoline Kid gets tounge stuck in freezer Kid gets tounge stuck in canteen Teen gets plaster cast stuck to face.. Teen dies from huffing butane Kid almost dies from inhaling freon Kid falls through frozen ice.. Kid on bicycle gets hit by car Kid chokes on a piece of hot dog Kid chokes on a sucker Girl accosted by evil man Stranger breaks into a girl babysitting a family's son
Boy gets run over by a truck while rollerblading Two guys find an abandoned baby alive Three-year old is found frozen outside Girls get hit by car while on their go-kart Boy gets hurt in go-kart when his sister crashes and pushes him into his the steering wheel Girl is thrown from the back of a pick-up Little girl is found clinging onto the back of a truck while it's driving along a highway Boy gets pinned between a toolchest and a van in his garage Boy falls on scissors and stabs himself and pulls them out himself Girl gets her foot stuck in a toilet Boy gets stuck in the laundry shoot Dog gets his head stuck in the hole where the dryer hose thing goes Little boy shoots his brother with police father's gun Girl burns herself while making oatmeal Baby falls into a bucket of bleach Little girl falls into a washing machine while it's on
Man has heart attack on ski lift Dynomite explodes in man's hand!! 2 felons hold up a winery 2 robbers hold up a sporting goods store 2 robbers blast away a gun shop owner A terrorist with a bomb holds a library hostage A bear needs to be rescued from getting struck by a powerline A boy hangs himself with a rope swing nuce Dispatcher has to stop a lady from shooting herself Old Woman has heart attack while at the movies 3 teens stranded on a steep hill A lady home alone defends herself when she confronts a burglar-- A lady comes to find someone standing in her hall with the lights off...(the stupid segment!!) Boy burned by hot cooking grease 2 children are locked in a trunk on a VERY HOT day! Boy locked himself in the trunk with him holding the keys!! Houdini act performed by a skillfull Magician goes wrong!! (magician has to get out of a straitjacket while hanging from a burning rope--does not quite make it!!) 2 boys sitting under a tree on a thunderous afternoon get struck by lightning A man going out for a walk on a stormy evening gets zapped by lightning.. A toddler playing on traintracks gets saved by a man who jumps off train to save him... Man gets bitten by a Python.. Russian boy gets near fataly burned... Little girl running with steak knife stabs little brother Mailman has to stop a car with a toddler in it A girl riding on the hood of a car falls under the car when the other girl driving has to hit the brakes.. 3 kids get stuck at the top of a VERY TALL pine tree A toddler rocking back in a chair falls back through a plain glass window.. A little boy running with a tootbrush in his mouth falls--the brush gets impaled-gross.. A grandpa missteps and falls through a skylight.. Boy falls in narrow hole in yard Boy falls into feed bin Man with Down Syndrome saves father from choking Boy must land a hot air balloon on his own with the help of radio-controlled instructions given... A man test flying a airplane cannot land because his right wheel will not go down.. A man flying at night cannot land because he has no lights and no radio- just a cell phone.. Girl gets hit by school bus Girl gets run over by school bus Boy riding on an ATV does not watch where he is going, and has a nasty accident.. Man on ATV goes too fast, hits a bump on dirt road, and flips over A lady touring San Franciso needs to be found for a very critical life saving transplant.. 2 robbers break into a house while a father, his son and daughter are sleeping.. A girl gets hit in the side of the head with a softball A boy in gym class has an asthma attack while on his warm-up lap... A little girl finds her grandma's Dejoxen and takes it A little girl takes her big teen sisters Depakote A girl walking with a glass in her hand trips and falls on it A man gets "nailed" with a nail gun A glass worker has a big pane of glass fall on him.. A man cuts his wrist with an electric saw
my most favorite episode is that one guy who tries to rob a home during christmas season. he tries to come down the chimney and gets stuck and shouts for help and the family was asleep so they wake up to see this guy dangling upside down from their chimney and he's yelling for help. they call the police and they keep asking him, "who are you, what do you want?" and he keeps yelling out "i'm santa, get me out of here." and as they watch as the cops try to find a way to get him out the mom takes his picture as he's hanging there upside down. afterwards, they get him out and he's taken away, in the end the lady said that picture became an awesome christmas card, she basically put the picture in the card and said, "hope you'll be hanging out with us during the christmas season" or something like that! when i saw that episode i was crying with laughter!
maybe i'm making this up--i would've been very young when these were re-running (i was born in 1988) but the only thing i ever remembered about this show was there was a couple sitting on the couch watching tv in the dark. Then the lights started flashing and the dog started barking and it was a ghost. But if these were real it must've been something else that I'd misinterpreted...does anyone recall anything even slightly similar?