Piano Man

So Sam is being sent around time to put right what once went wrong (by God or something).

But in this episode, he arrives in the body of a lounge piano player who is in the witness protection programme and who originally died moments later in a car explosion.

But a guy asks to borrow his car to take his girlfriend home... and they up dying instead.

So those two people dying (who didn't originally die)... that somehow contibuted to putting things right? Huh?


On a slightly different ♪ (no pun intended), this is one of two episodes where Sam plays the piano but in Blind Faith he didn't know how to play.


My iMDB profile http://www.imdb.com/name/nm4297325/?ref_=fn_al_nm_1


Well he couldn't remember how to play (due to the Swiss cheese brain), until later in the episode...

When you talk to God its called prayer...when God talks to you it's called schizophrenia...
