
let me explain the ending to the series to EVERYBODY....Sam never returned home cuz Bellasrio wanted to leave the ending open so they could make a Quantum Leap movie


It's been over 20 years and no movie,

The ending failed.


I think it works fine as a stand alone ending, Sam could have leaped home at any time, but decided to keep leaping and helping people


Oh yeah? Since when did Sam ever have a choice?


Re; Sam having a "choice"-it's clearly intimated in the final episode (by the bartender) that Sam is subconsciously choosing to continue leaping and doing good.

Sam: I want to go home.

Bartender: Then why haven't you?

Sam might not want to admit it to himself, but it's his basic goodness that is the true engine of his continuing leaps.


That makes a lot of sense. I always took the ending as the other Al (bartender/God) would never let him return imo.

I'm a doctor not a soldier, damn it!


There has been talk of a QL movie since the cancellation.



Bakula is currently in a Bellasarious production, so there is still a connection.
Maybe they could do it as a Netfllix or Amazon series.

I was born in the house my father built


Bakula is currently in a Bellasarious production, so there is still a connection.
A tenuous one. Don Bellasario created the original NCIS for CBS, but was removed from the production quite a while ago, I believe even before the LA spin-off began. I'm not sure to what extent ties with his production company with the other shows, or even what say he has, if any, with what's going on any more.

As for the ending of Quantum Leap; I think it's important to now that say, "Sam Beckett never returned home," is a relative statement; seeing how time isn't fixed in Quantum Leap, it can be changed. So Sam never returned home - that is, until someone goes back in time, within the narrative, and changes that; ostensibly by taking on his responsibilities as a leaper.

"Can you... You can cook, right?"
"...Your father seems to think so..."


Several different endings were filmed, mostly shots of Al with his wife and different number of daughters.

I believe that one alternative ending had Sam leaping into a futuristic bar.

The fans had kept the series going when NBC was ready to pull the plug.

To get another season approved, the series had to bring in a young male sidekick (a 1990s teenager who would do things "to the extream")

This was a common thing that network executives wanted or were told would be a good idea. The Simpsons was put under very similar pressure, but managed to get away with doing a one shot character.


The closest thing to a new series involved Sam's daughter - from the Triology episode - leaping from life to life.

It wasnt a bad idea, and could have brought back Sam and Al and the QL Project.

Something happened in the early stages of this new QL series to stop it from going anywhere.


I saw the final episode tonight on CoziTV. Does anyone know who the old man and boy are in the closing credit image that are standing in front of an airplane?


It was probably a picture of Al as a boy with his dad?
The ending credits should have read, "Sam Becket chose never to return home" Or better yet, change it to read, "Sam Becket returned home" they could change it in post. In the opening, they changed the opening to show flashbacks of other episodes. That had to have been added because those episodes had not yet been filmed when they filmed the pilot unless.they were doing some time travelling of their own.


My iMDB profile http://www.imdb.com/name/nm4297325/?ref_=fn_al_nm_1


From what I recall, I believe that was Done Bellasario with his dad. The entire setting for the final episode was based on the town he grew up in; the bar being one his father owned. I think even the picture Al the bartender pointed to of himself, was actual Don's dad.

"What are you worried about, a fate worse than death?"
"No, just death. Isn't that enough?"


All they have to do is in post production change the ending text to read that Sam DID return home.


My iMDB profile http://www.imdb.com/name/nm4297325/?ref_=fn_al_nm_1


He could've returned home, it just implies he never returned home permanently. Al says just 5 minutes before then that even priests go on sabbatical. That even though he has work to do, he can always take a break.
