Injustice of Last Episode!!
I'm more than happy to sit and watch my favourate episodes from the whole series i.e Star Bright, Future Boy, Evil Leaper, The Leap Home, It's a wondrful leap, the wrong Stuff etc however when it comes to watching the final episode I'm unable to watch it regularly because of what a downer it was. I know it was at a time when nobody knew if QL was going to be re-commisioned and the ongoing dispute between Universal and Bellisario but instead of answering the questions the fans wanted it did the opposite and left us in the dark.
The finale left alot to the viewers interpretation if Sam EVER really met AL, or negated project QL altogether and with some programs that may be fine however the injustice of the last episode still infuriates fans to this day. Dean and scott say publically to this day they support Don on how it ended (Philedelphia Comic-Con 2012) but I'd like to know privately their feelings and I bet they would jump at the chance to complete another season before passing the torch to the next generation.
QL really needs a movie or reboot (with Sam & Al at the helm)to tie up the mess of the last episode.