My Episode Idea
They should have made an episode where Sam leaps into the past/future of Quantum Leap Meaning, he should have leaped into someone working on the project shortly before Sam is supposed to leap into the accelerator. This idea would be great as their would be two Sams, and Two Als. There would be the time traveler Sam and hologram Al, and then the Sam and Al who is actually in the timeline working on project. Sam could try to figure out a way to stop his past self from entering the accelerator, yet Al would tell him about the paradoxes that could happen. To make the idea funnier, think of all the waiting room scenes they can do with Al communicating with someone from the project in Sam's body and them being all surprised.
I always felt this idea I came up would have been a fun way, and be in a few ways compliment the season 4 premiere "The Leap Back."