With a few exceptions, like the hit man in season 1, or the serial killer in season 5, Sam seemed to generally leap into who weren't vastly different from him, in terms of world views or philosophy. My perspective has always been that, that's in part why Sam would leap into the specific people he did, at least most of the time; because he's doing the things they might have otherwise done the first time around themselves, but through various happenstance didn't originally - either because their circumstances or personal insecurities held them back, or just by virtue of Sam having foreknowledge of events. Some of his more unique skills may have come in handy, but usually his innate humanity was his greatest asset; something virtually all of Sam's hosts had, to some degree, but for one reason or another, mostly lack of foresight, just didn't manage to do what he did at certain critical moments. "The Leap Home, Part 1" may be the best example of this, since Sam leaps into himself as a teen; the only real difference between Sam at 16 and Sam at whatever age he was when he leapt in, is some tempered wisdom that comes with age, but mostly foreknowledge of the future.
"Sorry, I mistook you for a corpse."