It's kind of a paradox - so we have, let's call him Bingo-A, the Bingo Sam first leaps into, and sends further back into himself. By leaping into his earlier self, which we'll call Bingo-B, Bingo-B would be sent forward to the Waiting Room.
From there, one of two things would have happened; one, by completing his mission, stopping Chip from seeing Marcy, Bingo-A leapt back to the Waiting Room, and Bingo-B leapt back to just before Sam leapt into him in the first place; and when Sam leaps out, it Bingo-A in the Waiting Room who returns to his own time.
Alternatively, Bingo-A doesn't leap out before leapt in, and he becomes caught in a loop of being perpetually sent back in time, only to be leapt back to the Waiting Room by Sam's arrival, and leapt back again. This would leave Bingo-B in the Waiting Room when Sam leaps out, returning him to the point in time Sam left.
Somewhere in all of that, I think it would be interesting if Bingo-A, in being leapt back in time, becomes another leaper himself; albeit one who doesn't fully understand what is happening, and without benefit of an observer to tell him the future, but still managing to put right what once went wrong.
"Sorry, I mistook you for a corpse."