Duet Tyler sang in one of the episodes
Does anybody remember a song that went something like
'Was it real love? I remember and it kills..
I need your love cuz all I have is a memory..
There's still a part of you, there's always a part of you inside of me.'
in one particular episode where I think Becca and Tyler were supposed to sing it to each other on stage, but then Becca backed out last minute and some other girl did the duet with him instead?
I think it may be from the episode 'Becca and the Band' of Season 2, but I'm not exactly sure. Anyway, I used to love this song as a child and I had this episode video-taped, and I'd watch it again and again and again. Anybody have any more info on this song? And if it was a song made specifically for the show or of a band? And from what episode it was exactly?