Heartthrob Tyler

I seem to remember that in those days of Bop, TeenBeat and TigerBeat, Tommy Puett, the guy who played Tyler, was something of a teen hunk/heartthrob.

I do remember that his character didn't last all that long on the show (one or two seasons?) before making a dramatic exit.

How did his character leave the show? I seem to remember something about a drunk driving accident or something. Can anyone recap for me what happened?

Why don't you make like a hockey player, and get the puck out of here.


Becca and Jesse had a party at the Thacher's
house while the parents are out..

Tyler shows up with frat buddies,
and Becca kicks him out for being
to rowdy...

Corky insisted to Tyler he give him his keys,
but Tyler was all mad and heated up---

So off he and Corky go..with Tyler
who already drank a few beers behind
the wheel

He swerves around a boy on a bicycle, and hit a tree..
He (Tyler) ended up dying, and Corky with
a broken arm-he was in the car with Tyler..

Plus, Tyler also drank a few beers before heading out....
And we all know what drinking and driving does


Hey, that was almost a sonnet, what with the couplets and all: "The Ballad of Becca and Tyler" I was looking for rhymes

...and they were all blissfully, blissfully happy for ever and ever and ever


What's a sonnet?? I graduated from high school 10 years--

I don't remember anything from english!!



That was Tyler alright. I liked him better than Jesse. The Jesse episodes were pretty bad in my opinion. Sure it was groundbreaking to see AIDS like that, But the show lost its luster around 1992.


Hands down, Tyler was way better than Jesse! I was bitter how the writers had Tyler leave the show in that manner!


Any idea if Tommy Puett is still making movies, or in acting, he was my dream guy back in the day, I would love to see what he looks like today!!!


I loved him soo much

i sound like a giddy teenager, and I'm 30 years old...LOL!!!


I don't think that the way Tyler was written out of the show was bad. If anyone remembers right, he did not crash the car into the tree because he was drunk. There was a boy on a bike. Tyler swerved the car to avoid hitting the boy. He swerved the car to save the boy's life. Tyler died saving someone else. I don't think that was a bad way for him to leave the show.


I absolutely agree!! I remember being devastated when Tyler died!

I was in high school and my dad came home and I was bawling. He couldn't figure out why I was so upset! ;)

Tyler was a major hottie. I do wonder what he's up to these days. I never saw him on anything else.

And I'm 31 so I know how you feel! :)


I heard that the producers wanted to appeal to an edgier, more '90s crowd. So they told Tyler that he needed to cut his hair or they'd have to write him off the show, but Tyler said that mullets would never go out of style and, well... you know the rest.


if it's true that's utterly STUPID
I was really upset when Tyler died too i think becca and him were the perfect match


I was a fan of the show and followed it from the start of it until the end. I had a crush on Becca, Rona, and Paige. I guess I am a hopeless romantic because I really loved the problems and all that Becca and Tyler faced in order for their characters to finally hook up but what I did not like is that Jesse was introduced into the show and ruined what Tyler and Becca had.

That is something that I never like is when writers and creators of the show want to take it into a different direction because in ways it ruins the followers of the show. I have seen it happen with a lot of the shows that I use to watch and would question myself why do I still like this show or that show for?

It seems like the main theme of the show gets lost eventually after the third or fourth season when they try to add or subtract main characters on the show with new characters. Some times it works and other times it does not though. That is why I feel they should have kept Tyler until the end of the show you know. Does anyone agree with me on this?
