Recent AZ Congresswoman Shooting, Still Think of This Show
In a two parter with Chad Lowe, when the school was voting whether or not they wanted him in class because he was HIV, Lupone of course wanted him there. It was all playing on the Ryan White controversy.
When the majority of the PTA voted, they voted to remove him. Lupone then quietly announces she is quitting the PTA (dont care what it was really called, school council something or other).
I thought then, where was the compromise for her? Where was the majority vote rules? No, it was still, I disagree, so Im not part of it.
It wasn't about the student with HIV, it was about the failure to compromise, especially when the majority disagreed with her.
They could have been voting on if the school football team should wear green jerseys with orange stripes, or orange jerseys with green stripes, if the majority didn't vote with her, well, then she would just quit the school PTA. So there!
An episode of laverne and Shirley had Laverne giving pointers to the bowling team. One lady needed to let go of the ball sooner, the other one needed to hold on to the ball. Last time she left it on the bus.
Shirley then quips up that Laverne had no criticism for her. Laverne said shirley gets upset too easily.
No, I don't.
Okay, Laverne says, you take too many steps when you bowl.
Shirley sits calmly, then, I QUIT THE TEAM!!!!
Its all the same hostility, the same disdain, no matter what the disagreement is, whether with Sarah Palin, Barak Obama or an HIV student or Shirley Feeny's lucky bowling number (hence why she took so many steps).