AIDS in Africa is not diagnosed with tests. It is diagnosed by symptoms. Someone in Africa who has had significant weight loss, a persistent cough, fever and diarrhea can be diagnosed with "AIDS", even though those are symptoms of existing diseases that have been around for centuries. It is very likely that the great African AIDS epidemic is nothing more than re-classifications of old diseases such as malaria, tuberculosis, etc., most of which can be attributed to poverty, bad water, and malnutrition. But "AIDS" is more profitable, and allows more US-taxpayer funded kickbacks to pharmaceutical companies.
If Africa is really being ravaged by AIDS, then why does sub-Saharan Africa have a higher rate of population growth than anywhere else in the world? In short, where are the bodies? And why would a disease behave completely differently just because it's on a different continent? It doesn't make very much sense at all.
One of my college roommates once told me that the reason AIDS is so rampant in Africa is because "they" believe that the cure is to rape a virgin. I seriously doubt that, but my point is that the whole notion that Africa is a land of barbaric, sex-crazed maniacs is Victorian racist BS.
What Africa needs is clean drinking water and nutritious foods, not condoms and lectures about being monogamous from great moral examples like Bill Clinton.