MovieChat Forums > Cops (1989) Discussion > favorite John Bunnell episode of COPS?

favorite John Bunnell episode of COPS?

Mine is the one where they did a search warrant on a marijuana house and although the suspect wasn't home but the officers did take his firearms, his marijuana plants, his cable box converter and his Corvette and left a message on his answering machine!


That was pretty funny :) I really not too fond of Bunnell. He seems kinda hammy and fake. I did like the episode that one time I think what happened was they were trying to get a drug dealer named Bob to help with a bigger bust or something. Well he didn't show up to it and the next day they hunt Bob down and tell him "I told you not to screw with us!!" and Bob ends up with a bloody mouth :D


I also remember the episode with Bob the dealer not showing up and the officers telling him not to screw with them, that was a really good episode and another one of my favorite Bunnell episodes, another Bunnell episode I liked was the one where they've did a search warrant on a meth dealer's house and found a bunch of stolen property and then the suspect's mother shows up on scene.

I actually prefer Bunnell on COPS than him hosting Police Videos.
