If the premise of this series actually happened...
Could you see yourself befriending the Newcomers? I could because from the show, most of them--the obvious exceptions were the Newcomer criminals Matt and George went after on the show--were decent enough, the only real jerks on the show were those Purist fools.
Take for example George's son Buck. He was mildly racist but that seemed to be only in reaction to humans' general attitude towards the Newcomers. Either that or those punks he hung around with who put all that stuff about, "Your Dad sold out to the Terts." In his head. As evidenced by his close friendship with his human English teacher who taught him to read Madame Bovary and Catcher in the Rye, deep down he liked humans and was a decent person, he just hid that with his pig-headed surface.
Another example: In the (Caan/Patinkin) movie, Sykes' cop adversaries tease George about not coming down in the sand, and Sykes remarks how much surfing would they do next to a sea of hydrochloric acid? That's true. We wouldn't want the Newcomers laughing at us for being afraid of battery acid, why should we laugh at them for being afraid of sea water?
I loved this show as a kid, have the Series DVD, and I will always refer to it as underrated, not because it wasn't popular which I know it was, but because it only lasted one season. Should have ran for at least four.