Could a newcomer breed with a human?
What would be the result?
shareBased off their shown sexes and reproduction... no natural way. Gene splicing could work I imagine. But if they're prone to melting in seawater I guess their cell structure is quite different from ours.
share Assuming the human male could deal with the binnaum "preparing" his Newcomer wife, assuming that the wife's gene structure would accept such a splicing, the baby would still probably end up in a "pod", and the human male would have no way of continuing the incubation, as human males have no lingam flap, such as George was shown with. The child would die prematurely. If the couple were a human female and a Newcomer male, even, the alien fetus would require the formation of the pod inside her, which her body could not accomodate--and who knows if the human female could even conceive without the binnaum--even if she could, she is not built to incubate the fetus in the Newcomer way.
The Newcomer genes are most likely VERY different, seeing that they cannot process cooked food, their bodies dissolve in sea water, they require a binnaum to reproduce, that the male must continue the birth by carrying the child to completion and giving birth. This is not like Vulcans or Klingons---this species just has too many vital physical differences to be able to produce offspring with humans.
This was the story of one of the books based on the series, but i cannot say if it was one of the undeveoped scripts (it was never said) or to be considered canon.
It was Alien Nation #8:Cross Of Blood
The pregnancy of Newcomer Cathy Frankel by her human boyfriend, Matt Sikes, ignites tensions city-wide as extremist groups who fear the implications of the birth of the first half-human/half-Newcomer child threaten Cathy's safety. The danger escalates when the medical facility treating Cathy is attacked, forcing her into seclusion. Sikes must defend his newborn baby from a hostile band of criminals determined to destroy anyone who's different-- even an innocent child.
In one of the mini series movies after the show George says Tenctons have been known to adapt after only 1 generation. if this were the case, it would have to be a human male impregnating a female tenctonese, as a male tencton could not impregnate a female human, because the species are too different and we cannot adapt entirely over in 1 generation. So in essence a hybrid could theoretically be possible, but since there would be half human DNA and half tencton, the 2nd carrying of the pod would most likely not be necessary seeing as its only half tencton.
shareIf I remember the book correctly, the child did not survive because the two species weren't capable of producung healthy, viable offspring due to the huge biological differences. I guess genetic manipulation could help if enough people wanted hybrid babies.
shareThat would have made a great plot to another episode maybe it was saved for a movie.