Only one season?

Was it just me, or did this seem like a multiple season show? This thing must have made a ton of money off syndication because I'v seen it about a million times since I was a kid.

Homicide:Life on the Street was/is the best show EVER on television.

Stop global whining!



I think this show could have had more seasons. It was left open. Do you think it could have gone on longer, if the show came out a few years after the movie, like they did with "Stargate"?


Yeah, I thought it went on for ages too. I can still remember the commercials for it too.

Try not to take life too seriously, no one gets out alive.


I thought it would have at least lasted two seasons. It was insane to cancel it on a cliffhanger. They did some TV movies later on based on the resolution of the final episode and some other unmade episode ideas. That was a bit of compensation.


I thought the same thing. I could remember seeing this every week when I was in 5th grade and I thought it went at least a second season. There were so many major events like George having a baby, the killer who cuts off people's hands and Sykes falling for his neighbor.


It was "extended" by the 5 TV movies they had. This was an awesome show with an awesome cast.
