MovieChat Forums > Alien Nation (1989) Discussion > Who were they enslaved by . . . . ?

Who were they enslaved by . . . . ?

Were the "New comers" enslaved by another race/species or by an "elite" of their own people ?

Who were their enslavers ?

If the "Alien Nation" were enslaved by another race/species/whatever, the overseers would just be glorified slaves at best in my view. The "Alien Nation" overseers come off as being too arrogant and confident, and contemptuous of the other slaves, to come off as a glorified slave.

In American slavery, black overseers were just glorified slaves themselves. Given the contempt the masters felt for all the slaves, the overseers could easily have their life flipped upside down at the least mistake. And, even good overseers would have to take a lot of abuse. After all, in America, an overseers wife could be raped too (it happened) and he would just have to take it, and watch it, like any other slave or die.

In Nazi Germany, I believe Jewish overseers (or whatever they were called) of other concentration camp victims were also just a glorified victim themselves. I'm no expert on that but couldn't a German guard just beat them down too ?

In both these cases, what kind of attitude would this led to ?

In the "Alien Nation" series (+ the movies), the overseers come off as being too arrogant and confident, and contemptuous of the other slaves, to fit into the role of a glorified slave. The "overseers" often come off (to me) as being as arrogantly confident as the enslavers. They even act as if they were a separate group and not the same people. This makes things look more like a caste system than a slave system. What do you think ?

I wouldn't deny a type of arrogance but I would expect it to come out in a more bitter, self-pitying, self-excusing, way. This is not what I get from "Alien Nation" !

Is this bad writing or maybe white writers just dont know about this type of situation ? What ?


In "Alien Nation: Dark Horizon," the "Alien Nation" overseer sent to retrieve them told "Cathy" ( or whatever her name was ) that if she went with him, she would be with him.

But, so what ?

If he is just a glorified slave, how secure would her life have been ? How could he guarantee her that his masters wouldn't take her from him ? How could he trust them ?


Plus, on the ship he was to return to, I remember seeing nothing but other "New Comers." This really makes me wonder who were the "New Comers" on Earth enslaved by ?

If they were enslaved by others within their own race, this looks more like a type of caste system than a racial slave system. What do you think ?


Maybe they were once slaves of the Visitors?


Funny . . . but no really, answer the question ?


It was never really shown. Some fans speculate it may even have been some ruling caste of Tenctonese, rather than another extra-terrestrial race! This might be based on the appearance, in the first of the TV-reunion movies done by Fox, of an elite Overseer reconnaisance unit.

What would the Overseers need to recon? Suitable planets to colonize, regardless of whether or not they were already inhabited? We'll probably never know. And, more's the pity.


It was never really shown.
Well, I was hoping someone had seen or heard something. The overseers power, mobility, and attitude, doesn't seem to fit that of slaves who watched other slaves.

Some fans speculate it may even have been some ruling caste of Tenctonese,
It certainly seems that way. That would fit the way the overseers are portrayed on the show.

What would the Overseers need to recon? Suitable planets to colonize, regardless of whether or not they were already inhabited? We'll probably never know. And, more's the pity.
More's the pity !!!!


What you say is true for the most part, but there are people who love having a little power. If you've never had a mean, vindictive, sadistic boss (and bosses always have other bosses), then you're lucky. It's my experience that type of person tends to gravitate towards the type of position the overseaers were in.

For example: in "Stranger in a Strange Land", Michael learns about human society by watching monkeys in a cage. A big monkey beats up a smaller monkey and steals his food, so the smaller monkey goes over and beats up an even SMALLER monkey and takes his.

I've always found that to be a perfect example of most of human society, but then, I'm a bitter old fogey...

(Because I SAID so, that's why!)


I think the first TV movie "Dark Horizon" showed that an upper class part of their civilization were enslaving their own people. Allthough it might be possible the elite were working for someone else.


Has any movie in this series shown someone else; some other alien type ? Just wondering . . . ?


Imagine a scenario where an Earth ship full of Nazis with Jewish prisoners crashed on some other planet. Would the people there be able to tell which ones were Nazis if they were all trying to blend in as prisoners? We can't even tell each other apart. Look how long it's taken us to round up the war criminals. We're still looking for some of them even now.

Now if we're talking white masters and black slaves, telling those groups apart depends on whether or not another species would see human skin color as significant. We might all look alike to them.

Anyway, my point here is that we have enslaved and imprisoned each other over minor things (religion, skin color, etc.), so it shouldn't be a surprising that another species might do the same. My vote goes to the Overseers being some kind of evil ruling class. Because as you say, they don't act like slaves who are fortunate enough to be beaten less frequently.


I think you're right. I seem to remember an episode where an overseer was posing as a regular tenctonese.


If anyone here bothered to watch the original movie from the '80s then they would know.

At the start of the movie it explains that they were genetically engineered and enhanced.
They were bread by the original inhabitans.

This clearly suggests that they are enslaved by the same race as themselves but the difference is that they are bread and enhanced.

They managed to escape after years of enslavement and crashed on earth.

Sorry for any misspelling, not my native language.


Thanks for spelling it out to us.


Its also interesting when talking to Max one overseer said about George they were breed to serve us.


I meant Matt
