Australian Kramernest = Einstein?
Before this movie, I didn't know that Albert Einstein was a Kramer, an Ernest and Australian.
But the worst sin of this movie is making Marie Curie a love interest.
Just because she's the only woman that instantly comes to someone's mind, when anyone thinks of 'great scientific females of history', doesn't mean she should be a 'love interest' (nor that every g** d**n movie has to have injected romance).
If you look at ACTUAL Marie Curie's photos - just do any competent image search -, just to see what she really looked like.. just please, look at her, and then ask yourself; is THAT angel-face really suited to be a love interest in a movie..
This movie is a crime against so many things, I could probably never list them all.
- humanity
- history
- reality
- actuality
- comedy
- humor
- filmmaking
- Australia
- Europe
- truth
- intelligence
- stupidity
- kangaroos
- Twosetviolin
- special effects
- crazy hairstyles
I mean, crazy hairstyles would scream their hatred this movie, if they could speak.
What the ####(!?) were they thinking? Who greenlit this and why?
(On second thought, I don't want to know..)
P.S. I am sorry, this post is a crime against Jim Varney's memory and Michael Richards. No matter what you think about these people's actions in real life, at least these two were funny at some point in their lives.