hello everyone i would like to say that me and my father have started work to make a remake which is due out late 2004 if you have any questions email me at [email protected]
sharehello everyone i would like to say that me and my father have started work to make a remake which is due out late 2004 if you have any questions email me at [email protected]
sharePlease let me sleep better at night by revealing to me that you're joking. Why would ANY human being wanna remake that horrible video?
shareHonestly leatherface,
i know that movies are a matter of opinion. i don't like some movies, but that doesn't mean that other people can't find something redeeming about them. but i think that, along with The Hulk and Tank Girl, this has to be the most unforgivable, henious, fetal abortion of cinema that i've ever laid eyes on. movies that star the the entire family of the director/writer/star and are shot on his home video camera should not be considered films: at the most a "project of love."
now, you could be remaking a movie based on the story of whatever happened where ever that inspired this movie, but please, OOOH GOD PLEASE tell me that you did not glean enough enjoyment out of this hulking peace of horror monkey trash that you are going to get YOUR HOME VIDEO CAMERA AND YOUR FAMILY and remake it. please, please please please i'm begging you don't do it to yourself. jon mcbride has been on the butt end of enough jokes in my circle of friends. i'd hate to have to add you to. people who make their own horror movies for less than, lets say 1000 dollars should be classified in the same group of never-been/never-will-be laid losers that reenact civil war battles. you have your sex life to think of man. spare yourself.
This is probably 13 years late, but did you ever make it?