Jessica's (lack of) Panties

When Jessica Rabbit gets thrown out of Benny the Cab, if you frame-by-frame it, there's 2 frames where here skirt flies up and you can see she's not wearing any underwear. Nice shot!!!!

"I'm not A1nut because I'm normal...."


I just tried freeze framing that part on the DVD and it's censored. I've heard it's censored on the blu-ray as well. What format did you watch it on?


I watched it on DVD. Are you from the United States? That's where I'm from. It might be different laws in different countries.

"I'm not A1nut because I'm normal...."


I watched it on DVD. Are you from the United States? That's where I'm from. It might be different laws in different countries.
There have been white panties painted on for about ten years now. I'm assuming you watched the standard DVD (non-Vista Series)?

Hell, they might've been censored going way back to the LaserDisc version.

Maybe now you'll never slime a guy with a positron collider, huh?


Yeah, I'm from Colorado. The version I have is just what I got in the mail from Netflix...I don't see any copyright date on it, but it says "Distributed by Buena Vista Home Entertainment" and the disc looks like an old film reel. The Netflix white sticker around the center hole says "Who Framed Roger Rabbit?: Special Edition".

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In a strange coincidence, I just happened upon this page that tells about it.

"I'm not A1nut because I'm normal...."


You should find a VHS of the film. After I heard about the movie having that "little secret", I looked for it on my copy and there it was.


That is so naughty LOL

Black Sabbath + Judas Priest + Iron Maiden + Metallica + Pantera + My Little Pony = LIFE
