What was the shoe guilty of?

Rubbing up on Judge Doom's leg? Was there an actual reason or was it just to show Judge Doom can do whatever he wants?


I'm pretty sure all he did was escape from the crate, which shouldn't be punishable by death, right?

He was more likely just conveniently there to show off the dip, and be made an example of.

I mean, I could give you singles if the plan is to make it rain at the Lobster Box.


True. Doom was one evil SOB.

Black Sabbath + Judas Priest + Iron Maiden + Metallica + Pantera + My Little Pony = LIFE


...it must of had a guilty soul!




~An almond croissant filled with sweet almond paste but filled with ennui instead. C'est moi!


Guilty of being in the wrong place at the wrong time.


It was just guilty of being a toon. Plus, the audience has to see a demonstration of what the dip does, and that Judge Doom is not afraid to use it.

The sun is shining... but the ice is slippery.


... and to show how people had little respect for toon lives.


Absolutely nada. Even the Toon-hating Eddie was clearly disturbed by what happened to the poor shoe.

Doom was just an evil bastard.


It was guilty of being too cute.


Getting caught.
