MovieChat Forums > Waxwork (1988) Discussion > Is Anthony Hickox a feminist?

Is Anthony Hickox a feminist?

Being a overeducated film student, it occurred to me that all leading ladies in this film get comparatively nice treatment! The men find themselves at the receiving end of various horrific and truly nasty ways of dying, with situations and killers to match, whereas the girls end up embracing and looking forward to their romantic and sensual demise! Usually, young female victims in horror films consist of screaming and more or less unadorned "slasher-fodder", but here, they are sweetly "put to sleep" (or not).

But then again... I've seen Hellraiser III. Slasher-fodder indeed...

And looking at archetypes in feminist film theory: The "promiscuous hussy" in Waxwork gets hers, allright, but can the "unspoilt virgin" still be said to constitute a proper virgin...?

What do you think?

(I initially only watched this film because of J. Kenneth Campbell. Heartstopping.)

"Petition the Lord with prayer
Bribe Him with your gold
For I am the Lord now
And nuclear winters are cold..."

(Lukash, Operation Delta force II: Mayday)


I'm going to bump this for you, because you ask an intriguing question.


I don't see how a film featuring a woman being flogged by the Marquis de Sade could be seen as feminist.


Nor one killed by the Invisable Man ramming a gasoline nozzle down her throat or killed by Frankenstein's monster or eaten by a plant or... The cop doesn't receive an horrific death. His is more or less starvation/exposure/suffication after being trapped in the crypt.

You're momma's so ugly she made a mime scream.

reply is not exactly a feminist film when all the female characters were completely useless and stupid.The men all got scenes were they were allowed to solve problems and kick well as being more developed
The scenes with the two women they were both seduced by being brainwashed by evil men.
There was also the implication that women loved to be abused by the Marquis De Sade scene. Although the scene with China briefly kicking ass was pretty cool....

Fun movie, but I seriously doubt the director was feminist!


I agree. China was hot in that scene, but was a bit hammy!

Welcome to my Nightmare- Freddy Krueger


Sure that China kicked mostly vampiresses` asses !
But she also skillfully tricked Drac Junior into getting
his fangs broken against a female stone neck while he jumped her.
And later in the basement, she got him demised in a most undignified manner.


Interesting question, but since the leading lady in the film likes getting flogged by a man, I somehow doubt it.

Your friendly neighborhood pastor


Enjoying BDSM/being sexually dominated by a man and being a feminist aren't mutually exclusive things. I know the thread is about whether the director is feminist or not, but I just wanted to address your comment. I see similar assumptions a lot - that if a woman enjoys being dominated by a man then she couldn't be a feminist/isn't strong/etc. That's completely untrue. I'm sure there are lots of feminists that do look down on it. But those are usually the type of extreme feminists that get upset over men being chivalrous, opening doors for women and that sort of thing. Feminism, in my opinion, is about women doing whatever the hell they want to do. Whatever makes them happy or feel good. Social norms, be damned! It's not about being stronger/better than/not needing men. It's about being a strong, confident woman who makes her own decisions based off what she wants and doesn't worry about what anyone else thinks. If you get off on a man flogging you, go for it. If you get off on flogging him, go nuts. Just long as both parties are consensual adults and everything.

Sorry. That ended up being a bit long-winded, didn't it? And it's hard to read a person's tone online sometimes, but I hope it didn't come across b!tchy or preachy. I've just seen that misconception come up on the boards a few times and wanted to toss my input in there.

Don't call me white trash!


Good point. In all honesty, my original reply wasn't meant to be taken very seriously though.


I know. That was why I wanted to make sure that it didn't seem like I was attacking you or anything. Just some 3am babbling on my part, to be honest.

Don't call me white trash!
