Is Anthony Hickox a feminist?
Being a overeducated film student, it occurred to me that all leading ladies in this film get comparatively nice treatment! The men find themselves at the receiving end of various horrific and truly nasty ways of dying, with situations and killers to match, whereas the girls end up embracing and looking forward to their romantic and sensual demise! Usually, young female victims in horror films consist of screaming and more or less unadorned "slasher-fodder", but here, they are sweetly "put to sleep" (or not).
But then again... I've seen Hellraiser III. Slasher-fodder indeed...
And looking at archetypes in feminist film theory: The "promiscuous hussy" in Waxwork gets hers, allright, but can the "unspoilt virgin" still be said to constitute a proper virgin...?
What do you think?
(I initially only watched this film because of J. Kenneth Campbell. Heartstopping.)
"Petition the Lord with prayer
Bribe Him with your gold
For I am the Lord now
And nuclear winters are cold..."
(Lukash, Operation Delta force II: Mayday)