Cindy was still a moron...

Did anyone watch this movie and say, "What is she doing?"
It's the little things.

Especially the scene at the end where they were all "confessing" and Cindy explains how she feels like she's not being treated as an adult.
What was with that cheesey sad face. Honestly.

And especially when they all decide it's ok, she goes to sit back down at the kids table, what was she doing with her head? She was nearly swinging it around smiling. Am I the only one who noticed it?


Disagree with you. The stupidest line was Greg's when they all arrive at the house and he mentions Cindy's hair, like I said in another post

Now WHO is the moron? Cindy or Greg? I vote for Greg hands down! .... and to think he's a DOCTOR?

"I'd rather believe what I believe and be wrong than believe what you believe and be wrong."


There was something I didn't quite understand with that sequence. As was said, when they say they'll start treating her like an adult, they tell Cindy there's a place at the adult table if she wants to join them. However, when they show the table, and the size of those chairs they were sitting in, and with everyone of them being taken, the question becomes, where was there place for her? Or would she get Alice's place and Alice ended up at the kids table?LOL

Oh yeah, Cindy may have been somewhat of a moron, but she was a beautiful moron. She had a lot of cute expressions in that movie. One of which was when she was told to get the ladle and she points with her thumb, "Marcia's right over there." and also liked the scene where Cindy and Peter's girlfriend are sitting in their bedroom discussing Cindy not like being the "little sister" and if Peter's girlfriend should be the one to ask if they want to get married.


maybe the rest of the family was too dumb to realize there was NO room at teh adult table. I mean, these people didn't notice a fake Jan during the Brady Bunch Variety Hour... and, when original jan comes back, they don't notce a fake Cindy there for Christmas... and, wehn original Cindy comes back, they dont notice a fake marcia for "The Bradys"... not the smartest people

that or they were up to something sinister with their daughters---some type of white blond slave trade thing...


@Indie_Mod--I think she was trying to get the hair out of her face, you know like a girl would flip it over her shoulder. And didn't they find a place for Nora, Gregg's wife at the table? Maybe they liked her more than Cindy?? Lol!

I'd like to leave you with one simple thought: the best is yet to
come.-Whit-Adventures In Odyssey


At least in the series Roseanne they notice the different Beckys. They even joke about it and its so funny


I remember the time the second Becky said that she preferred the second Chris on "The Partridge Family".


Maybe that is why it seemed like it took a decade for Cindy to graduate from college.
