Marcia's Daughter is Too Old

The big problem with "A Very Brady Christmas" is that Jessica Logan (Marcia's daughter) is too old. Marcia and Wally were married in 1981, that means the earliest Jessica could be born is in 1982, although there was no mention of Marcia getting pregnant in "The Brady Brides". Jessica Logan looks to be around 7 or 8 years old in "A Very Brady Christmas", so that means she would have been born in 1980 or 1981, so how could that be when Marcia and Wally were married in 1981? The math doesn't work... but then again, this is Hollywood where logic doesn't exist.

"I'd rather believe what I believe and be wrong than believe what you believe and be wrong."


She might have been more mature for her age.


Were they married very early in 1981? Like, around January/February? She could have then gotten pregnant right away.


Merry Christmas! I just saw this movie for the first time on Friday, and I really like it.

I looked up the realease dates for "The brady girls get married"(Feb 6, 1981) and "A very Brady Chrstmas"(Dec 18, 1988).

If Marcia got pregnent right after they got married-she would have given birth in October 1981. In the Christmas movie, Jesscica-did not look any older than 8 to me. Realistcally, she could not have been any older than 7. Maybe she was seven in the movie, who knows?

"If GOD is for us, who can be against us? JESUS is my rock and my fortress"



You know Hollywood one season children are born and the next season they're 5.
