DVD, where are you?

This film should have been on DVD years ago. Join with me in demanding a soon release.



There are region 2 DVD's on Amazon.


Lionsgate has kind of come through for you on this. You can order a fine looking widescreen version of the movie on ITUNES. If you want a dvd, I suggest you contact them and let them know. As far as I understand there are no plans for a dvd at this time. But if pople make it known that a dvd is desired, maybe something will happen.

The trivia about the ending is lacking a few details. I recall an article about this film in FANGORIA stating that John Dykstra or some other top visual effects guy (if I'm wrong forgiv e me, I don't have the article anymore) designed a demon for the climax of the film. But ultimately, the sequence was removed for "lacking sufficient horror and gore." So they then hired BOB KEENE who had come off of Hellraiser and did a more "horror" style ending.

I am almost certain this sequence was filmed and I remember a picture of a different demon being designed. It appeared the original effect was some kind of miniature puppet or something of that sort. The photo was of a mock up being built.

While I loved Keene's work on Hellraiser, the creature at the ending of this film is kind of disappointing. It stumbles around very clumsily and appears very fake. Something along the lines of the original design I saw looked like it might have had the appearence of the creature at the end of END OF DAYS. And would certainly have fit into this film better. But I could understand the audience feeling a lack of a climax if the creature just showed up, Ben Cross said a few things and then vanished, which is what I assume might have been the problem.

If a dvd is ever made it would be interesting to see this original ending. It's one of those great film mysteries to me, kind of like all that Nuclear Man 1 footage in SUPERMAN 4 or the monster from WATCHER INT HE WOODS. Those things eventually saw the light of day on dvd. Hopefully, someone will rediscover this footage and make it avaiable.

If anyone out there has some more solid info on this, it would be greatly appreciated,


Lionsgate has release this film on a DVD collection with seven other B-level horror films on 2 DVDs. I have not played the DVD yet, but I doubt there are any extras.

UPC 031398150909 for the eight-film collection.


Yeah, I just ordered that collection from a third party seller at the Amazon marketplace and am looking forward to checking this out again.

What do you think this is, a signature? It's a way of life!


No extras


No extras whatsoever only a menu with the titles and pick and play, not even subtitles or scene index.


I purchased the Lionsgate horror collection DVD box set this film is featured on for only five bucks at a local Best Buy in Central New Jersey.

I'm a totally bitchin' bio writer from Mars!
