Movie poster character?

I noticed that the movie poster features a single character next to Totoro that seems to be kind of an amalgamation of the two sisters: on one hand she's around Satsuki's age, on the other, she has Mei's pigtails. The featured scene is also one which in the final movie Mei is piggybacking on Satsuki.
I would presume that this discrepancy exists because the poster was made early on and the decision to split that character into two was made afterwards. Does anyone have any information regarding this? I've tried searching on the web but I can't seem to find anything about it.


You are correct, the movie originally was going to feature a single child character. Miyazaki split her into two characters to give the film, particularly the second half, more conflict. The only source I could easily point out would be to look up "Animation Lookback: Studio Ghibli" on YouTube.

"Unless you're an alien, time traveler, or esper, your opinion doesn't matter."


Cool, thanks!
