Holly is Innocent

The clues are all there:-
She is human.
She is too cool when kidnapped by Nada.
Her neighbours are spying on her.
When Nada tries to interfere with the telly she has to get rid of him fast.
She does not necessarily call the police. The police are on his tail and can track him plus the neighbours were suspicious.
She was with the resistance.
She surprised them all by misleading statement as if she had told the truth beforehand.
She is genuinely sorry for attempting to kill him. She almost knew there was about to be an attack on the resistance an that they had already been rumbled and were being eavesdropped.
She had to go into work as normal. She is deep undercover.
She wasn't in the office but skulking about somewhere else.
We did not see her kill Frank. There was a cut beforehand.
She may well have tried to stop him attacking the transmitter.
Nada had turned around and had dropped him gun. She could of killed him there and then but she just asked him to come down with her.
She knew that the swat helicopter was on its way and that Nadas actions would lead to his death.


I think she was supposed to represent an everyday person who just gets caught up in the system. For instance at 4:58 in this video he describes her as a "middle class working woman who gets hooked in": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ORrasstzfEY

True Creepy Stories https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjtemJqRkUJ1YGB035Dv0Gw


That's a pretty interesting argument

Funny, I came here to post that with Meg Foster's otherworldly eyes, I always thought that hinted too heavily that she was not to be trusted. Maybe a red herring if you're right.


You're daft! She was as guilty as sin!

Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar and doesn't.


She was with the resistance.

She infiltrated them. Notice how the police raid happens right after she arrives.

We did not see her kill Frank. There was a cut beforehand.

She put the gun to his head right before the cut and then a gunshot is heard. Are you stupid?

She comes out without Frank and puts a gun on Nada to stop him from destroying the transmitter. She even says you can't win. Um hello she was on the aliens' side. Which is why Nada kills her.


No offense, but you're way off. She was a collaborator. She holds the gun to Frank's head, we hear a shot and then comes out without him. She tells Nada he can't win. She was a collaborator.

If you see exactly what to do don't tell ME! I'm just a singer in a rock&roll band!


If Frank isn't dead then what happened to him? Did Holly convince him to give up in those few seconds before she went up to stop Nada? Even if Holly just disarmed him, that wouldn't have stopped him from running up to the roof after Holly went up. And I'm pretty sure if she didn't stop Nada and Frank from shooting the transmitter, they would have had a better chance of getting off the roof alive.

"Brother, life's a bitch...and she's back in heat."


Holly was part of THEM from the first time we see her, and her fancy BMW and ravine home.
once she got a good look at Nada, she used his stupidity to betray the resistance.

it was awesome


I got the impression that Holly was inadvertently reaping rewards and didn't know the first time we see her. After Nada is tossed, she uses the glasses, but is so overwhelmed that she despairs, thinking They have already won and there is no use in fighting them - like the sleazy guy was saying. But you could be right, too.
