You have to read between the lines of what Carpenter was saying here. His claim that the movie is about Reagan and "Reaganomics" is clearly not true, since none of that fits the story being told in the movie. The movie is about an alien race hiding amongst us, which uses propaganda and subliminal messaging to control and exploit us. Certain people are able to see this system of exploitation and who is behind it (like Roddy Piper's character after he finds the special glasses), but most can't. And anyone who is able to see it automatically becomes an enemy of this alien ruling class ("we've got one who can see!"), since their system of control is dependent on their identity remaining a secret to the human race.
Now, can any of you guess which group of real-life people might represent the alien race in "They Live"? I'll give you a hint. It's a certain ethnicity of people that nobody is allowed to talk about without facing serious repercussions, especially in Hollywood. Those who have had the audacity to name this group and their immense control over American finance, politics, and media have had their careers destroyed. They've either been forced to apologize, or they've been ostracized.
If you know who this group is, then you can understand why Carpenter was reluctant to come out and name them. They could utterly destroy Carpenter if they wanted to, and make his life a living hell. That's how powerful these people are, just like the aliens in "They Live". And even if Carpenter was brave enough to name them, he knows that the majority of people wouldn't listen to him. They'd laugh at him and call him crazy, just like the people in the movie Roddy Piper tried to tell.
They Live, along with The Matrix, are so much closer to reality and explaining how the world really works than most people will ever realize.
Hey Scary (or should I say scared?), if this group is so frightening and powerful, do you think they'll ruin you if you name them and fully out yourself as a bigot? Carpenter is not the kind of guy to shy away from his thoughts, and is very straightforward in interviews. What on earth makes you believe this is the one issue he's shy away from when he freely insults Hollywood without hesitation? So, please stop beating ariund the bush and do tell who you're referring to.
No, this group of people is not too concerned with people like me. Unlike Carpenter, I'm not famous and I don't have a high profile public platform with which to catch anyone's attention. I alone can do very little damage to them by naming them publicly.
As for Carpenter, clearly he's not very straightforward in his interviews, as evidenced by his cockamamie claim that the movie is about "Reaganomics". Once again, Reaganomics does not fit the role of the aliens in "They Live", nor any other part of the story. In fact, the theme of the movie has absolutely nothing to do with the Reagan administration or the economic climate of the 80s. The movie is about an alien race hiding amongst humanity, that has infiltrated government, and uses hidden propaganda and subliminal messaging hidden in plain view to control the population. There's only one group of people on the entire planet that fits the role of the alien race, and Carpenter wasn't going to name them directly because it would pretty much ruin his career, and his family would have to pay a steep price too.
But I'm curious to read about all these Carpenter "insults" against Hollywood you alluded to. Do you have a source for that? Do any of the insults include anything derogatory against any non-white directors or studio heads? I highly doubt it.
Jews aren't aliens. Stop smoking crack. They just happen to have a lot of smart, successful people among their comparatively small portion of the population.
Nobody said Jews are aliens, child, but they undoubtedly do represent the aliens depicted in the movie They Live.
As for Jewish "success", they are a very tribal group of people, so they promote their own before promoting others from outside their group. They plug all of their own people into the highest positions of power (Federal Reserve, studio heads, CEOs, etc...) to help maintain their system of control. People like you mistake this as being "smart" and "successful", when in reality it's just straight up tribal nepotism.
Not too coincidentally, John Carpenter addressed this Jewish nepotism in They Live with the scene in the grocery store. A non-alien is seen talking with an alien about his lack of a promotion, while the alien did get a promotion.
To be clear, I wasn't trying to insult you, or call YOU anti-semetic. I was more surprised by the theory, more because I never thought of john carptenter as racist. For a second, I thought I was being racist, while reading your post and assuming you were talking about Jews. (I didn't scroll down). But, obviously, that is what you were insinuating. I was more looking for a confirmation, cause I could tell you didn't really want to come out and say it in bold letters.
Anyway- it's possible. Some directors have been known to be racist. I'm one to believe that everyone is a little racist- in form of another. Who knows, maybe John Carptenter personally had a very bad experience with his upper executives, (who happened to be Jewish) - so he made this film with a subtle meaning to it. Kind of reminds me of Kubrick with eyes wide shut.
I'm not saying it's definite. I'm saying it's possible. I'm not trying to spread hate but I've heard tons of actors rip on the Jews who own Hollywood. Marlan Brando included. Obviously Mel Gibson. Two great actors.
Sorry if you found my insults of scary offensive but I have ran into people before who make similar assertions about Jews controlling everything and they are usually Holocaust deniers and I have no sympathy for that. I knew exactly who he was talking about because it's the same tired cliche of blaming the Jews for all the problems of the world that has been around for 5000 years. I do think it's anti-semitic to make those assertions. People have called Carpenter racist before for films like The Thing and Big Trouble in Little China and he's really not; he's just an old-fashioned filmmaker who doesn't like to be politically correct all the time. About Jews "owning" Hollywood: like I said in my previous post, a lot of Jews were responsible for the creation of the Hollywood film industry so it's only natural for them to be in some positions of power (what do you expect them to do? Deliberately sell it all to Non-Jews because some racists don't like them in the positions they're in?)
Talking about reality is not "racist". If a group of little green men only represented 1.8 percent of the entire population in a given country, but somehow managed to gain control over the media, financial system, and political direction of the country, do you really believe it would be "racist" to discuss how that might have happened and why? Of course not, it's simply facing reality.
The Jewish-controlled media conditions people to think everything is "racist" to prevent them from thinking outside the box.
I had to put this person on ignore, he is just spreading hate. For the rest of you...Carpenter cast Jewish actor Keith Gordon as the main character for his film adaptation of Stephen King's "Christine" and I've listened to the commentary track that they did together and aside from some age difference teasing, Carpenter was very friendly and conversational with Keith. Carpenter does not hate Jews, he made They Live as an allegory for Republicans in the 80s and how society was being dumbed down (some by Jews, some not by Jews, who cares what race/religion they are). He was also venting frustration that his style of films wasn't exactly what everyone wanted to see anymore (especially after the initial failures of The Thing and Big Trouble in Little China--both fantastic films). It just happens that there were several Jews involved in the Hollywood movie business right from the get-go but you can't blame them exclusively for the problems of Hollywood. Carpenter wanted to make films like his hero Howard Hawks did back in the 40s and 50s and Hollywood was just moving on from that. There have been directors inspired by Carpenter's work like Tarantino, Rodriguez and Tim Burton who both employ Jews and Non-Jews in their productions. This paranoia about Jews "running the world" is what caused the rise of Fascism in Germany and we all know how that ended.
You're absolutely right. But ; we can't ignore reality. They do own a lot of Hollywood. (Think of the very top. Above the executives). This is just a fact. I don't blame them for problems in Hollywood. But I do acknowledge that they own most of it.
Thanks, and you are absolutely right is well. Acknowledging their dominance is one thing but asserting that it is arrived at maliciously, deceitfully and with the desire to manipulate and control the world is another. Thanks to the internet, Hollywood is less influential on society now than it was in the 1980s for example with sources of information and media from all over the world at our fingertips (ie youtube). I was reading an article about Steven Spielberg the other day (also one of my favourite directors) and his style of film is also now becoming unwanted as well as we move into more and more fast-paced eye-candy seizure-inducing superhero films and remakes. He spoke about his difficulties keeping Dreamworks going all those years and how he eventually sold it. How would that fit into the Jewish conspiracy? Probably the world's most famous director (and Jew director) having trouble keeping things together in an environment where he is supposedly having everything handed to him on a silver platter? No, Spielberg is just incredibly talented, grew up loving movies and making his own as a kid, and can fall on rough times just like any of us. Also worthy of noting is that Spielberg has made some films before that tanked at the box office just like Carpenter's did. Again, where is the nepotistic Jewish conspiracy there? If Carpenter had made say a Raiders of the Lost Ark, perhaps he would've reached the heights of fame that Spielberg attained. Instead, he made The Thing, which is a fantastic horror film but is also very dark and graphic and (ironic to my comparisons here) it lost where Spielberg's E.T. succeeded. Was Carpenter jealous of that success and resented Spielberg's success? Probably, BUT not because he is a Jew.
Various ethnic groups and countries throughout history have tried to spread empire and control the world, or as much of it as possible. Most notably the Roman and British empires. It's simple reality that power tends to centralize and consolidate, and this power does not recognize or care about national boundaries.
So why would it be any different with Jewish power? Why should anyone believe this idea that Jews have no interest in global control? All the evidence of the modern world suggests otherwise. For instance, the Jewish-controlled media pushes globalization. The Jewish-controlled media promotes global trade agreements that destroy national sovereignty. The Jewish-controlled media tries to sell us on politicians who are pro-globalization, and attempts to destroy politicians who are nationalist.
So, again, why should anyone believe Jews don't want global power?
Sorry, but I never said I acknowledged their "dominance" in Hollywood. Dominance? Not the best word to use there. Not trying to argue- just reach a common ground. Jews dominate Hollywood? That just sounds bad. I meant to say "I know they own majority of the big studios". Why or how? I honestly don't know the specifics and don't really care. Every culture has some wealth in one form or another (usually from native resources). From what I do know of history- The Jewish population initially accumulated wealth through diamonds. I don't know where they found them - but - from there- they did a lot of innovative things - started doing loans, starting high end businesses - investing- etc.They did a great job- and with that - gained a good reputation with finance (for the most part). I've even read one paper that suggests the racial prejudice of labeling them as "greedy" originated once non-Jews couldn't pay their loans back. Anyway- I understand that might come off bad, but there's actually a lot of historical evidence that backs it up (scholarly, historical sources- that is). I'm not saying it's a bad thing either. Who wouldn't do the same? I'm sure my ancestors, Italians, would have - and did- do the same: capitalize on what they could - to survive. Dominance isn't the right word IMO, because it suggests everyone else is inferior. I don't acknowledge that. I believe every culture has its fair share of pluses and minuses. And again, I am not Jewish, I am Italian and Irish- so my outlook isnt biased. I'm not just sticking up for myself and ancestors. I like to approach things historically. I hope this doesn't come off as racist.
Cheech, you make a lot of good historical points about the history of the Jews there. It seems logical that people unable to pay their debts would call them greedy. About the word I chose, dominance, perhaps you're right. I guess I could have said "acknowledge their prevalence" in the Hollywood film industry. My ancestry is English/Irish and we all know how much control that the British Empire once had over the world. I don't find any of what you said to be racist. But I understand why you would say that. People use the term too often these days.
You have to read between the lines of what Carpenter was saying here. His claim that the movie is about Reagan and "Reaganomics" is clearly not true, since none of that fits the story being told in the movie. The movie is about an alien race hiding amongst us, which uses propaganda and subliminal messaging to control and exploit us. Certain people are able to see this system of exploitation and who is behind it (like Roddy Piper's character after he finds the special glasses), but most can't. And anyone who is able to see it automatically becomes an enemy of this alien ruling class ("we've got one who can see!"), since their system of control is dependent on their identity remaining a secret to the human race.
Now, can any of you guess which group of real-life people might represent the alien race in "They Live"? I'll give you a hint. It's a certain ethnicity of people that nobody is allowed to talk about without facing serious repercussions, especially in Hollywood. Those who have had the audacity to name this group and their immense control over American finance, politics, and media have had their careers destroyed. They've either been forced to apologize, or they've been ostracized.
If you know who this group is, then you can understand why Carpenter was reluctant to come out and name them. They could utterly destroy Carpenter if they wanted to, and make his life a living hell. That's how powerful these people are, just like the aliens in "They Live". And even if Carpenter was brave enough to name them, he knows that the majority of people wouldn't listen to him. They'd laugh at him and call him crazy, just like the people in the movie Roddy Piper tried to tell.
They Live, along with The Matrix, are so much closer to reality and explaining how the world really works than most people will ever realize.
That's some real mental gymnastics there. Carpenter came out and named who he was talking about explicitly - Reagan and his cabinet as well as his followers. No reason adding in this anti-semitic narrative when Carpenter already said who he was talking about and never mentioned anything about being racist toward Jewish people.
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That's some real mental gymnastics there. Carpenter came out and named who he was talking about explicitly - Reagan and his cabinet as well as his followers. No reason adding in this anti-semitic narrative when Carpenter already said who he was talking about and never mentioned anything about being racist toward Jewish people.
Of course Carpenter said the movie was about Reagan and the Republicans. That's the safe answer. Anyone in Hollywood can openly disparage Reagan and the Republicans and nobody will bat an eye. In fact, publicly shaming so-called "conservatives" can further your career. It's full-time open season on Republicans in Jew-owned Hollywood.
Now what do you think would have happened to Carpenter and his family if he had openly declared that the aliens in the movie represented Jews? That he sees Jews as basically ghouls hiding amongst and manipulating us as a means to exploit us. He would become public enemy no. 1 in Hollywood. Either he'd be shamefully forced to his knees to apologize, just as Mel Gibson and Marlon Brando were, or he would be permanently ostracized from Hollywood and harassed 24/7 as a "Nazi" by the Jew-owned media. His life as a public figure would basically be over, and the lives of his family members would be destroyed as well.
So no, that wasn't mental gymnastics, it was simply an understanding of how the real world works. Hollywood is all about political correctness. You either say the safe thing and not upset your paymasters, or you kiss your career and public persona goodbye. Those are the only two choices. Carpenter is not stupid, so he chose the safe choice. He unsurprisingly gave the politically correct answer.
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The desire to enrich yourself at the expense of others, which is explicitly depicted as the price for conformity in the film, has no place in your theory.
He also linked Thatcher with Reagan. Again, nothing to do with your racial theory.
"Who can't use the Force now?! I can still use the Force!" - Yarael Poof
The desire to enrich yourself at the expense of others, which is explicitly depicted as the price for conformity in the film, has no place in your theory.
How so? The same dynamic is at work in the Jew controlled system we live in. People sell themselves and their principles out all the time to get ahead.
He also linked Thatcher with Reagan. Again, nothing to do with your racial theory.
Of course he did. He was just being politically correct.
In Hollywood, you are permitted to criticize white conservative politicians. They are all fair game. On the other hand, if you criticize Jews your career is over.
It is explicitly directed at the Reagan/Thatcher philosophy thst government is a problem and less government, more commerce was better for everybody in spite of commerce's track record of benefitting only a disproportionate few to any significant degree.
You're projecting your own anxiety and prejudice onto it, clearly.
Commerce and society are not controlled by Jews.
"Who can't use the Force now?! I can still use the Force!" - Yarael Poof
It is explicitly directed at the Reagan/Thatcher philosophy thst government is a problem and less government, more commerce was better for everybody in spite of commerce's track record of benefitting only a disproportionate few to any significant degree.
Nonsense. That wasn't the true philosophy of either Reagan or Thatcher, that was only what they said to get elected. After all, both the U.S. and British governments grew in both size and scope while they were in power. If their philosophy had truly been that government is a problem and that less government is better, then we would have seen government power erode, not grow.
Commerce and society are not controlled by Jews.
Sure they are, you're just naive to this fact, like a lot of people are.
Just look at who controls the Federal Reserve, the most powerful economic regulatory agency on the entire planet. It's been nothing but Jews going back several decades. Jews only represent 2 to 3 percent of the U.S. population, yet they have somehow managed to get total control of the U.S. monetary and financial systems. You think that happens only by accident?
And look at the U.S. media, the most powerful and influential media on the planet. Jews have disproportionate control over that too. They control Hollywood, the publishing industry, the music industry, and television. Look up all the owners, presidents, CEOs, and studio heads and you will see that overwhelming Jewish control. Again, that doesn't happen by accident.
Sorry to burst your bubble, but commerce and society are definitely controlled by Jews. It's been this way for over a hundred years.
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LOL, the evidence is all around you. Stop being lazy and expecting people to spoon-feed it to you. You're not an infant. You have access to a computer, so use it.
Jews control society so much that millions of them were murdered by it and couldn't influence it to prevent or stop the murder sooner. Sure.
You mean, millions of Jewish peasants and ghetto dwellers. No billionaire bankers, industrialists, studio owners, or media moguls, just expendable poor people.
So yeah, that point isn't going to work for you either. Ruling class Jews don't give two *beep* about peasant Jews.
Isn't it funny how as the evidence that people basing their theories on becomes more readily available, the people basing their theories on it become less ready to actually provide any of it?
"Who can't use the Force now?! I can still use the Force!" - Yarael Poof
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The single most powerful force in our society is the media, as control of the media determines the outcomes of elections and influences the world view of the population. Just look at this highly disproportionate Jewish representation in our media:
But I'm sure you think that's all just a big coincidence.
Isn't it funny how as the evidence that people basing their theories on becomes more readily available, the people basing their theories on it become less ready to actually provide any of it?
The problem with you people isn't so much a lack of evidence, it's the simple fact that you aren't able to think logically, which prevents you from processing accurately any evidence of all. I could show you a hundred pieces of evidence, but you would still brush it off as an "accident", "coincidence", or "anti-semitism".
The public education system has succeeded in turning out an entire population of drones incapable of anything but wage slavery.