Yes, it was the parent's restaurant first.
And yes, Mac need not worry about Nick and Jo Ann in the future. Nick was having the affair with her and such, but ultimately he was just using her to get to Mac.
He was exploiting her to see what she knew about Mac. He thought she knew something because he was such a regular in her restaurant. He point blank says that if Mac is spending that kind of time in her restaurant, and he's dealing drugs, she MUST have been something. We saw how that was Nick's whole method of getting to Mac.
He also said he only pursued Jo Ann and slept with her because he figured if she'd sleep with HIM, then she wasn't sleeping with Mac (he took her for a one-man at a time woman).
It was yet another way he was testing what Jo Ann might know about Mac, i.e. no pillow talk with Mac to draw on, then she might now know much.
It was SO calculated on Nick's part!
So, once it was clear Mac wasn't guilty, the whole fiasco at the marina ended, then Nick was through with Jo Ann, probably. Even if he wanted more (and who wouldn't want Jo Ann the way she looked in that film!), he knew he'd burned his bridges with her and that she was into Mac, anyway.