I've just bought this movie on DVD (5 bucks), because I vaguely remember I liked it when I saw it ten years ago. Before viewing it, I jumped to IMDB to see what 'the' judgment of the IMDB community was. A disappointing 6.1, presently. But looking at the rave reviews (hardly anyone below eight stars) it appears there's a huge difference in appreciation. But how to account for the low rating? Obviously, people who dislike a film often don't write reviews. So I'll have to guess as to motives for dislike. Any ideas, anyone, on why so many people gave this movie a low rating?
a 6 is about what it deserved its not a great picture.. the charaters are not fully developed..plot line is a little slow moving at times.. at the same time Raul Julia is great in this ,, so is JT Walsh.. sad they died so young
This movie is well designed, camera looks and colors are enticing, and pretty much all good looking & good actors. Problem is the story is (probably too complicated) not very well told and a lot of the events and dialogues seems so forced you end up not buying anything. A movie doesnt have to be "believable" to be good, but it should at least make some sense. I gave it a 5.
The rating is too long.. thats for sure. especially considering so many other films have higher ratings. I am an 80's kid, so this is pure 80's cop movie.
but if you go to blackrain that picture also is rated low. and we are also talking the generation who didn't turn out to support blade runner when it hit theaters, took years before the classic status.
now I am not comparing TS to blade , or blackrain. but for what it is, I think it's a very good movie. a story about divorced guy with a kid who wants to go clean, his corrupted lawyer so called friend who is just out for himself and doesn't give a chit what happens to anyone only covering his own ass, the best friend who loves his friend, but is a cop so he is conflicted, the friend from Mexico who believes in loyalty, the girl who is caught up in the middle.
I mean for me.. I thought it was a good cop buddy movie, and its worth a 7.5/10 blackrain is 8.8/10 blade runner is 9/10
That's the problem when people set themselves up, they can be easily disappointed. This movie is actually well made and it has an astounding cast of three to four wonderful modern legends of acting. Personally, you don't see a cast this awesome often. Movies like The Philadelphia Story for example has the same amazing cast.
That is the sad part though, I really wanted to like it.
I remember planning to watch it back when it was originally released but there was just so much other stuff to watch and then the 90's came along.
I can't disagree on the cast though and also the locations used are also pretty good - maybe it is just that the movie is just not quite as strong as some other movies that were released around the same era.
Looking back, after seeing all of the garbage coming out today, for this movie to have such a low rating is outrageous. The combined stellar performances of Mel Gibson, Kurt Russell and Michelle Pfeffer is enough to put it over almost everything that came out in 2014.
Looking back, after seeing all of the garbage coming out today, for this movie to have such a low rating is outrageous. The combined stellar performances of Mel Gibson, Kurt Russell and Michelle Pfeffer is enough to put it over almost everything that came out in 2014.
Looking back, after seeing all of the garbage coming out today, for this movie to have such a low rating is outrageous. The combined stellar performances of Mel Gibson, Kurt Russell and Michelle Pfeffer is enough to put it over almost everything that came out in 2014.
I second that. The dialog is very well written and quite witty. One has to pay close attention to what is going on.
The cinematography is stunning as well.
"Men like you don't die on toilets." Mel Gibson-Riggs, Lethal Weapon
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My theory is its not really a type of 1988 film that people like to relate to and remember. 1988 was the year of Rain Man, Bettlejuice, and various other films.
The film is very classical hollywood in narrative style. The romance trio of main characters of Gibson/Russell/Pfeiffer were very old hollywood story rooted. The character of Michelle Pfeifer especially didn't really resonate very well with a large audiences bad in 88 and probbaly today as well. She comes across as weak and frail and too girly. But if you watch some old hollywood films from the 40s and 50s, you will totally understand where Roberrt Towne was coming from with that character.
I also think the casting was has a little to do with it. I think this film attracted Mel Gibson fans who were used to watching Lethal Weapon and Mad Max action films. They might have been disappointed by the heavier leaning towards romance in this film.
Can this really be the end..to be stuck inside of mobile with the Memphis blues again.