Radio Talk Show hosts hate their constituency
Have you ever noticed that, just as depicted in Talk Radio, talk show hosts can't seem to wait to move on to the next caller or wrap up for a commercial break?And yet, they also clearly LOVE what they do. I've always found that interesting. They thrive off the celebrity, the notoriety, the conversations, etc. while at the exact same time they can't stand their fans, every single call seems to bore the crap out of them and they've always got their finger on the skip-to-next-caller button. Now, I know a portion of this is economy of time. You can't spend all night with one person and you have to get to a certain number of calls a night. I'm sure there's a rough 20 calls per hour quota or something like that, which is a fraction of a fraction of the numbers who actually call in. Even so, it seems like a self-defeating never-ending cycle.
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