Okay I just came from both Sleepaway Camp websites and I'm a little excited, but also saying to myself Wow, this is first time I could remember this happening.
Robert Hiltzik director of the original has finished making Return to Sleepaway Camp, a direct sequel to the original(forgetting parts 2 and 3 ever happened). He has also mentioned that he will be directing another film called Sleepaway Camp: The Reunion(which is also the name of the Jeff Hayes convention project).
Taking place right after the events of Return...
It also states on the site that Michael A Simpson(director of parts 2 and 3)is directing a direct sequel to part 3 called Sleepaway Camp: Beserk. I can't remember a time when sequels from two storylines(from the same original)were going to be made.
Felissa Rose is coming back for the Robert Hiltziks' sequels, but Pamela Springsteen isn't coming back for the Michael A Simpson sequels.
Michael A Simpson did say that his sequel does setup other sequels he would like to direct.
I do think that they should just start the abandoned Sleepaway Camp IV; The Survivor(1992)over and take that script and make it.
Also will the convention DVD ever be released on DVD, Jeff Hayes the one who got Robert Hiltzik, Felissa Rose and the rest to make Return to Sleepaway Camp made it, that would be cool, especially after getting Halloween 25 Years of Terror was so cool to watch.
I also think a documentary on the whole series should be produced and made.