Barney says that Angela was never popular as a counselor at Camp Rolling Hills, and no one wanted to take her picture - but yet she was named Counselor Of The Week. And then later in part 3 there's the speech she gives about how she was abused and picked on as a kid, and everyone in the audience is giving her their undivided, heartfelt attention. It wasn't until she started sending everybody home that people (espeically the staff) started hating her so much.
AND - Charlie and Emilio took her picture in part 2. Even though Angela did wind up confiscating it. But still... Considering that this was written/directed by the same guy as part 2, and shot only 2 weeks after, there should have been a little more continuity.
True, in Sleepaway 2 none of the campers are even paying an ounce of attention to her. It's just proof that Angela's memory doesn't serve her well and the kids from the flashback aren't even the same kids she murdered.
Shes delusional. None of her flashback ever happened, and if she did give the speech that they show in part 3 she probably imagined all of the applause and cheering that the audience did. I don't think she was popular at all, and except for Molly, and Uncle John and TC in the beginning (before they got mad at her for "sending kids home") I don't think anybody liked her. Sure Charlie and Emilio took her picture, but they didn't take it because they liked her, they took it simply because Angela has boobs.
As for her being counselor of the week I think that the camp director had more to do with that then her being the popular choice did. I would think that she would be strict but fair as a counselor. The campers who don't want to follow the rules would already dislike her because shes in authority and because they would view her goody goody do as your told attitude as her being a bitch when shes just doing her job to enforce the rules. She would probably be very good at her job, but being good at your job and being popular are diametrically opposed.
~*Copulate me nonviolently with a mechanical gas powered tree cutting device!*~
But what if those scenes weren't meant to be flashbacks? What if they were just something she wanted to happen? I know she's delusional but if in that scene, who's to say she's not just daydreaming about what she wished would happen? We really don't know if that was the intent of the scene or not. Just something to think about.
Your chains are still mine, you belong to me! - The Phantom Of The Opera