flag pole death scene
pretty innovative. i liked the writing in this one.
very unique in its own way, this film is.
"how about... a royal flush!" *loren avedon kicks a cauldron of boiling water into the bad guys*
pretty innovative. i liked the writing in this one.
very unique in its own way, this film is.
"how about... a royal flush!" *loren avedon kicks a cauldron of boiling water into the bad guys*
She deserved, calling Riff what she called him...
shareIt was a great idea for a death scene but in my opinion, could've been executed better.
"Calm down,take a break,eat a cookie!"
Im no physics major but I was like "How the hell is Angela stong enough to hoist this girl up there that high?". Ive never tried hoisting anyone with a pulley before so maybe it does work.
That's right we're here to shoot those frowns off your faces. POW! right in the face.
> Ive never tried hoisting anyone with a pulley before so maybe it does work.
It wouldn't work with a simple pulley that would be on top of a flagpole. You'd need at least a double set of pulleys like they use for lifting car engines.
And while pulling her up, Angela was often holding the rope with one hand. Uh, I don't think so.
And then there is the question of the rope she used. That rope was way too thin to hold a 150 pound girl.
But I really didn't dwell on that during the movie. It was supposed to be a stupid horror movie with cheesy effects.
What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?
also angela is a guy so vaginoplasty or not she probably still has more muscle mass
shareShe was pretty slim, even for a woman. Even if she was really a man and had more muscles, she didn't weigh much more than 150 pounds herself and could never have hauled another 150-pound girl up a flagpole.
And the rope was too thin and would have broken.
What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?
They weren't quite 150 pounds. I think that cop guy said Angela was 115, so the other girl was probalby 120 or 125.
~I can hear his beard!!~
Thats my fav death in the movie. Very creative
shareProbably cleaner that Ally's death from the 2nd film.
"Because your a cheerleader, a fornicater, a drug taker, a nasty snotty bigot
and besides that, you're REAL nice!"
yeah, this scene i always called bs on. more so for the way she was holding the rope when she was pulling her up the flag pole. she would have gotten severe rope burn.
shareI can understan other reasons. But for being a cheerleader?
Someone needs to kill Angela and say because 'you're a pscho, a tranny, annoying.....'