I loved all of them, but my favorite would be the second one. The deaths are funnier and more creative (leeches in the out house!!), I actually didnt want molly & sean to die, unlike in number three where all of them could have died and I wouldn't care. What do yall think?
The first one had the most depthful storyline and most shocking ending. In terms of sheer quality it is probably the best one. The second one was the most gory and violent and probably the most entertaining overall, even if less depthful than the first one. The third one was humuorous compared to the first few but still enjoyable. I rated all 3 the same(an 8) though I have a slight prefference for the 2nd one I think if I really had to choose. I saw all these movies for the first time one right after the other the same night just 2 days ago. It was nice to just watch the whole thing through as though it were one long film, and a pretty good one at that!
The first one is the best. You could tell it aimed higher than just being a slasher flick. It might have had some bad acting, but the first Sleepaway Camp is suprisingly deep as far as slashers go. Its more of a drama with a body count than a slasher flick.
Sleepaway Camp 2 is pure fun. Its not serious in anyway. It exists only to entertain with gore and boobs. Not deep, not moving in away. Its the definition of party movie. Plus, its got a killer mullet!
Sleepaway Camp 3 is kinda dull compared to the first 2, but its still mildly enjoyable mostly due to Pamela Springsteen.
When it comes right down to it - I think the only reason most people liked the first one for was because of the shock ending. That's great and all, but I honestly think that part 2 was probably the most entertaining one of the bunch.
I loved the original simply because of it's cheesy 80's charm, it has a nostalgia about it that lacked in the sequels
Sleepaway Camp 2 is fun and features some really cool death scenes but goes too far with the references to other horror films, there is such a thing as there being too much tongue-in-cheek humor
Sleepaway 3 is probably the one I've watched the most and for some reason seems better paced than part 2.
Tbe original is pretty good. It's like Meatballs mixed with the original Friday the 13th. The ending is possibly one of the scariest scenes ever.
II is way different than the original, but it's quite fun. They kind of turned Angela into a female Freddy Krueger (circa 4-6), but it works, and she's not as annoying as Freddy in those entries. Most of the deaths are great. This probably my favorite of the series.
III is fun, but feels a little phoned-in compared to the second. Angela's character is more fun and interesting in II. It's still better than most ultra low budget 80's slasher flicks, though.
Return is a tribute to the original. I thought it was decent. I can see why some people hate it, though. It's very cheesy. I think most of the deaths are pretty cool. The ending isn't nearly as disturbing as the original, but it's still pretty disturbing.
The second is also my favorite. It's the epitome of classic 80s cheese. It's fun and campy. The effects were pretty good and the characters are different and fun. Characters like Ally you knew you'd love to hate right off the bat. And the puns were just gold.
The third one was probably the weakest of the three for reasons you said. You never really had time to get to know the characters,so it's hard to care for them or get to know them. True you know that they're rotten and bad campers,but it's expected..but still,I didn't care for many (if at all, any of them). I will give it to them for having some damn fine gore effects (this is especially true as seen in the deleted scenes). But this isn't to say that it didn't have any good moments. Like the second, there were plenty of funny moments and puns. I think what also throws me off with this is that there's no real story to it. While the second continues where the 1st left off (Angela becoming a camp counseler), the 3rd really didn't have a plot to it, unless it's just to show that Angela is an angel of death, going from camp to camp to punish bad campers...meh.
I like the 1st one, but it's not my favorite of the three. It's in the middle; but it will forever be a classic and be one of my favorite movies of all time.
"I'll go,because I am Cinema!" - Ben (Man Bites Dog)
I liked Molly! She was always nice to Angela and stuck up for her. She didn't wanna kill them but they found out what she was so that's why she killed themm