
was demi really pregnant in the movie?



the one that says bad *beep* - Jules Winnfield


She was pregnant during the filming of this movie. They even show a seen of her nude and it is obvious she is pregnant. Her first daughter was born in 1988.


Demi was not pregnant during the filming of "The Seventh Sign". The nude scene is done with the help of a prosthetic...most actresses who play pregnant in movies wear them. This movie would have been filmed the year before, as most movies are, and Demi gave birth to Rumer on August 16, 1988. The film was done and in the editing stages when Demi became pregnant. She was not during the filming. I have several interviews with her during the time she did TSS and she was asked if she was on target with her emotions as a mother-to-be in the film. She said she felt the same emotions she was feeling being pregnant in real life, the year before when she was filming the movie.

"Sometimes my ruminations are too confusing for someone not inside my head." -Anon



That is so stupid. Is it the one where she's preparing her bath and taking the robe off, then getting in and about to commit suicide again with the razor?

"Sometimes my ruminations are too confusing for someone not inside my head." -Anon



I've seen the edited version and what you're describing is what I've seen on the network showings of the movie. So sorry you haven't seen the full version.

"Sometimes my ruminations are too confusing for someone not inside my head." -Anon


I thought Demi has said in interviews that she was pregnant with her first daughter, Rumer, while making this film.

"I offer you this heart, my soul, my love."
- Legend


No, Demi got pregnant directly after the making of the movie. After the movie came out, Demi, Michael Biehn, Jurgen Prochnow and Peter Friedman were all on an interview show here in Canada called 'Brian Linehan' and Demi was sitting there very pregnant with Rumer and Linehan asked her if her instincts were real, considering that she wasn't pregnant during the shoot of the movie. Demi said she tried to get inside Abby and to understand where a woman like her would come from, given the aspects Abby was faced with. Demi graciously thanked Linehan for his comment. So Demi was not pregnant at the time the movie was being filmed.

"Sometimes my ruminations are too confusing for someone not inside my head." -Anon


Has no one thought that maybe it was a body double in the bath scene? It sure looked real to be a wet prosthetic. They use body doubles in a lot of pregnant roles.


It wasn't a body double and it wasn't Moore's real-life pregnancy because Rumor wasn't conceived until well after the movie was done. It was Moore with a prosthetic. You can tell. The part where she's sitting in the bath where she's holding the razor. If you look closely, even freeze frame it, but you can see a small line below her breasts and one above her pubic area.

"Sometimes my ruminations are too confusing for someone not inside my head." -Anon


yes, in the movie she tries to commit suicide in the bath.


I think she returned to rememberance of a past suicidal attempt. Watch that she already had the scarves in the bath! Maybe she was tempted to do it again, but the hope she got through the future child stoped her. Remember: hed death would kill the baby!


Can anyone name the seven signs?


Yes, check out the 4 horsemen board.



If you are viewing the DVD, then pause it just as Demi is disrobing while standing in the bath. You will clearly see the outline of the prosthetic just above her right hip, then go frame by frame, you will see the line never changes while other shadow lines will move. It is quite obviously not her belly, but may be her boobs.
