MovieChat Forums > The Seventh Sign (1988) Discussion > Where in the Bible does it say...

Where in the Bible does it say...

...that Jesus would come back at the end of days, and end up living above Demi Moore's garage like the Fonz? Or am I mis-remembering the film?


LOL! At least he was a snappy dresser (for the 80s)


Don't be sarcastic. The Bible doesn't say that. But it would not be unreasonable to assume that when He does return that He will probably dress in contemporary clothes and live pretty much as most do, keeping a low profile until He could figure out how to present Himself to the world again.

It's interesting that the one place David Bannon did not go to was to the Catholic church.

If you love and support Michael Jackson 100%, copy & paste this into your signature. We love MJ!


retch-1 I actually LOL'd at that 'Fonz' thing!

But I must say I agree with derekwilliams1974. He would have to have somewhere to live, and a spartan apartment (which I thought was interesting....Jesus had humble birthplace and in the film has a humble apartment) near Abby was necessary.
He would certainly need to dress like everyone else as well and blend in until it was 'time'.

That's an interesting comment about the church, I hadn't really thought about that. We never see him enter a Catholic church, only a synagogue!

"I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus."
"Didn't he discover America?"
"Penfold, shush."


why would he go to a catholic church..Jesus was Jewish not Catholic

Not in my right mind and proud of it


When Jesus does return, he is coming back to "Rule" the whole world as King. He’s not coming back to “Fit In” with the world. Come on people, if you're going to try to discuss the Bible, at least have commonsense enough to read it first. Now I’m wondering how many people are debating these movies prior to watching them, some opinions are really starting to make sense now.


Jesus founded the Catholic Church and is a sect of Judaism, a post Messianic Judaism.


Not that surprising, since Jesus was Jewish -- Christianity hadn't started yet (and before jumping on the claim that "yes it did, he was starting it!", he wasn't trying to start a new religion in competition with the then current Jewish faith).


I totally agree with you there that when he does make the decision to come back down to be with us he will blend in until the world is going to end to judge the living and the dead.

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans of the show!


According the NT, Jesus will NOT "return and live with us". Instead he will bring his Father's vengeance on humankind, descending directly from Heaven with angelic armies. The film strays from the NT's presentation of the Final Judgment by inserting a pre-Judgment reprieve period. To flesh out this idea, the script has the returning Jesus/Prochnow breaking the Final Seals BUT at the same time scouting out that one human being/Moore who can avert the final hour... for at least a while.

Of course, if Jesus returned in this manner, he would want to blend in and would wear the appropriate clothing, use the appropriate language, etc. BUT this notion is unbiblical.

However, having said all that, I commend the script for handling its extra-biblical material in a much more entertaining and refined a manner than the vomitous Omen Trilogy.


You do bring up some very interesting and good points about what may happen and occur toward the end of times.

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans of the show!


LOL at the OP. Hilarious!!


Glad you like it!

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans of the show!


Don't tell people what to do or not do, it is no ones place to do so! You can choose to ignore their comments and opinions or reply to them, but you have no right to tell them wtf to do! Much like I will ignore all the messed up freakish right wing religious nut jobs who may reply to my post telling me that I will be going to hell etc...
Its only a bloody movie after all, if you actually believe all this junk you need a reality check man!

I will not let your weirdness mess up my day!


"Don't tell people what to do or not do, it is no ones place to do so! "--evil_____

Now, isn't that the oxymoron demand! I'll post whatever I please, if it bothers you then just use the "ignore this user" option (as I'm going to shortly do with you, BTW). The IMDb message boards are a forum for cinema lovers to make comments. If you don't like what is said, you know your options....

If you love and support Michael Jackson 100%, copy & paste this into your signature. We love MJ!



"...keeping a low profile until He could figure out..."
LOL, like "He" would need help figuring out anything.

You fellows who image Him in human form, cannot truly understand His infinite nature.



'the one place David Bannon did not go to was to the Catholic church.'

What film did you watch? He didn't go to a Catholic Church...or a Methodist church, or a Lutheran church, or a Baptist church, or a megacurch, or any other church. The only house of worship he did go to was a synagogue, and it was only to break open the 4th seal, which unleashed Death upon the world. That's it. He didn't speak to anyone in the synagogue nor did he pray there.

For those who did not notice, David was not here to preach to, evangelize or convert anyone. He did not come to 'live like the Fonz,' nor did he 'lay low until he can figure things out.'

At one point he told Abby he thought mankind would change (over the last 2000 years, since he was last here), but they did not. So he is not here to mingle with mankind or to preach to them. That time is OVER. His sole mission this time is to bring about the end of the world. He begins this mission with the very first scene of the film, when he breaks the first seal at the water's edge. Note that he does not say a word to anyone. Why? Because the time for words/preaching/evangelizing is over. His mission in this film is nothing like the mission of 2000 years ago. He preached the 'good news,' the people never got it, so now they die. That's the mission.


....and where does it say He will need a shortwave radio?



Perhaps the shortwave radio is part of the whole 'humble' setup.
Jesus, in His first time here on Earth, had some supernatural abilities but was mostly like us humans.
He ate, slept, traveled as we did, etc. So perhaps here in the second time He NEEDS the shortwave radio.

"I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus."
"Didn't he discover America?"
"Penfold, shush."


Revalations 5:6 "And the Lamb shall return as the Lion. And he shall take upon him the aspect of the Fonz. And yea, he shall dwelleth above a garage until it is time for Armageddon."



...that Jesus would come back at the end of days, and end up living above Demi Moore's garage like the Fonz? Or am I mis-remembering the film?

Sunday, Monday, End Of Days,
Tuesday, Wednesday, End Of Days,
Thursday, Friday, End Of Days,
The rapture comes, the cycle hums
Ready to burn with you

These days are ours
Burning in misery. (Oh End Of Days)
These days are ours
End them with me.(Oh End Of Days)

Goodbye Blue sky, hello flu,
'cause nothing can save me when I burn too.
feels so right it can't be wrong,
burnin' and fryin' all week long.

These days are ours
Burning in misery. (Oh End Of Days)
These days are ours
End them with me.(Oh End Of Days)

Sunday, Monday, End Of Days,
Tuesday, Wednesday, End Of Day,
Thursday, Friday, End Of Days
Saturday, what a day
Burnin' in forever with you

These End Of Days are yours and mine (Oh End Of Days)
These End Of Days are yours and mine (Oh End Of Days)
These End Of Days are yours and mine, End-Of-Days.

Want proof that we are doomed



Thanks! I had forgotten that I had even wrote it!



Oh my!   

I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus.
Didn't he discover America?
Penfold, shush.


It doesn't. The depiction of Christ returning and living among men as shown in this movie and in the third Omen movie are fictional creations of Hollywood. Jesus himself reveals how He will return to his disciples and the high priests of the Sanhedrin:

Matthew 24:30
And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory”.

Mark 14:62
And Jesus said, “I AM: and ye shall see the Son of man sitting on he right hand of power and coming in the clouds of heaven”.

The book of Revelations, which this movie was very loosely based upon, is very specific that Jesus' second coming will not occur until all the signs of the prophets have been accomplished.


Maybe it did say originally, but was lost in translation.


Not lost, but perhaps deleted or buried!

Its been said that the Vatican 'removed' several parts of the Bible, anything they did not want the public to see or didn't fall in line with what they WANTED to reveal.

I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus.
Didn't he discover America?
Penfold, shush.

