Would You Die For Him?

This is a powerful question. In the flashbacks it is inferred that the question applies to giving your life for that of Jesus. In today's world would you give your life for a man who broke the law? Or was just accused of being a traitor (which Jesus was)? I'm not sure I would. On the other hand, if I was in a local bodega and saw someone being attacked, I would not hesitate to help which could mean my life. It is interesting in this movie, the "antagonist" Jimmy who burned his parents alive was the one that needed to be saved. I am not a religious man anymore, and do not believe in the death penalty, but he should have been forcibly placed in an institution where he could spend his days praying if that is what he wanted. But...I'm not sure I would take a bullet for him. What makes him different than the person who was being attacked in the bodega? Action. And, I have grown up in a society where people can say almost anything and not be crucified for saying it so I can only speculate on living in an oppressive society like it is reported Jesus did with the Romans, who rejected his ideas. In the novel 1984 Winston does admit "2+2=5". "In his play Dom Juan, Molière's title character is asked what he believes. He answers that he believes that two plus two equals four... Molière seeks the freedom to believe that two plus two equals four." (copied from Wikipedia) If someone was convicted to death of the crime of saying 2+2=4, and the law said 2+2=5, would I die for them? Concepts are so much harder than actions to understand.
