Imitates Elm Street..

I found this movie to be disappointing.. I noticed there were many scenes in the film that came right out of the pages of A Nightmare on Elm Street.. For one, there is the recurring dream sequences where the audiences gets sucked into something supernatural only to learn it was a dream.. Pullman even starts bringing objects from dreams back to reality, just like in Elm St.. Then of course there was the ending in which a man wearing a red sweater is caught on fire, his skin severely burned.. It's obvious Wes Craven sought to capitilize on the success of Elm Street, but I thought he incorporated too much of that into this movie..

I'd be interested to know what fans of this movie enjoyed about it..


Perhaps that it's based on a true story adds a little to the horror... it did for me. And for me, Nightmare was almost a comedy of cliches.


Yeah, right! Just as every movie or story with a woman and a man in it imitates Adam and Eve or was it Romeo and Julia or Homer and DOUUH!!!
Live in itself is constant imitaion of, ... errh goods holy will. Right!? ;)
It seems there's far too many folx just writing senseless jibberish here,
so they can have others reply to their ohterwise plain worthless trash
and now even i am doing it, ...
I therefore advice you to read the commentssection,
to this here fine movie, to answer yer darn question
'bout the goodness in this here fine piece of cimematic art,
and other folks likings of it. Bwoy!
