Should they make a..........
Sequel, Prequel, or Remake for this movie?
Let the arguments begin......
"You know what 'FEAR' stands for? It stands for 'False Evidence Appearing Real.'" - Gary Busey
Sequel, Prequel, or Remake for this movie?
Let the arguments begin......
"You know what 'FEAR' stands for? It stands for 'False Evidence Appearing Real.'" - Gary Busey
This is a perfectly good film and does not need a remake, prequal or sequal.
Why piss on a good movie with a cheap cash in? Was The Hills Have Eyes part 2 not good enough for you?
You insane remake idiots...I guess you're a troll or something. Hey, maybe they should do a remake of Casablanca starring Tom Crusise, or Gone with the wind starring Harrison Ford, of maybe all the brother Marx movies starring starring Steve Martin in all of the roles, THAT would really be fantastic!
shareseriously f u c k you for even making this topic or even thinking it, your a *beep*
shareI agree with Scoobydoo! This is film is fine on it's own and nothing would be served by making a remake, sequel, prequel or another type of ripoff that Hollywood seems to be adept at these days.
Everything about this film is quality. It scared the bejezzus out of me back in '88 and still gives me the creeps today. Let it stand amongst the horror genre with its head held high, and not try to shame it with a poor quality, big hype facelift for the new millenium.
The internet has the ability to turn sane people into ranting fools!
They should not make a remake that has a very big budget and CGI stuff, instead they should focus on making the remake very.....aww *beep* it I'm going to film school so I could make a movie.