Rumor Has It This Is A True Story
My Biology teacher said this is absolutely true back in the 40's or 60's i forget, a man who was deeply missed after his death in a small town comes walking back into town, two years later. I never seen this movie but he said he was in Haiti searching for something called Zombie Dust which consists of certain ingedigents like some deadly fish in Japan that only a few licensed cheif's can prepare. It's a 50/50 chance you might die. Anyway this man experienced this Zombie Dust and wasn't dead but his heart rate and breathing slowly went down so people would think he was dead. He was buried then dug up and was put on medicine that made up takes commands so ur thoughts weren't there. After a while these people ran out of this drug and the man's senses came back and he finally knew who he was and where he lived. Thus going back to town everyone was shocked and horrifyed to see him because he was such a well known guy. My Biology teacher said refer to this movie because this was made from that story.