based ona true story? *spoilers*

this si supposed to be based on an actual occurence? how much really happened is questionable being rember the titans is a true story but changed for entertainment purposes. but the end said they were actually studying this powder or whatever. anyone know what in the movie really happened, and which points were of reality?


Yes it is mostly true. Of course there are a few things that are hollywood-a-cized but I only counted about 4 or 5 things that were totally made up out of the blue. Most of it is BASED on the happenings in the true story. Keyword based: as the director starts with the person, scene or idea and then embellishes it with his own ideas. If you want to find the details read the book. The book deals more with the Amazon than the movie does for starters. It's been a while since I read it.


It states toward the end of the credits that the only real truth in the film is that Wade Davis spent two years researching 'zombie powder' in Haiti, and brought his findings back to the States with him. The rest is all fiction, which is why it's only 'inspired' by a true story and not 'based on' one..



Anyone who says that the movie is mostly based on a true story has obviously never read the book. The movie is probably 90% fiction, and less than 10% fact. In the book, Wade Davis went to Haiti to determine what specifically in the powder was used to create the zombi effect. Much of the book deals with secret ceremonies, and understanding exactly why certain people were made zombis. It also gives a bit of historical background on Haiti.

The book is great, and while the movie is entertaining, the movie is almost entirely a Hollywood work of fiction.


I did not read the book but I never believed that this movie was a true interpretation of the events. However I do believe that the portions surrounding the revolution are true.


i think i watched something on does this zombie powder work? wasn't there really a person who died, and then came back after taking zombie powder?

My favorite horror movies are

The Hills Have Eyes (2006)
The Hills Have Eyes II (2007)


No,did not happen. Neither the movie nor any book can verify such a thing happening with any validity.


My understanding of the "zombie powder" is that it's administered to a LIVING person.
One of the ingredients is derived from the liver of the blowfish. (the same thing that, if left in the Nipponese dish fugu, causes paralysis and death from asphixiation (damn can't spell that word))
Anyway the effect is to significantly reduce heart rate and breathing. In most countries (including some US states) if you have no perceptible heart beat you're dead.
No embalming in Haiti so you wind up thrown in a box and buried. All while fully conscious mind you. I'm rather claustrophobic so this would drive me completely insane btw.
As the stuff wears off twelve to twenty four hours later you've been underground and oxygen deprived for a while. Brain damage ensues.
Your co-ordination is shot and your higher brain functions are depressed or gone making you very suggestible. Sound familiar?
The "zombie" never really dies, though they don't miss it by much.

Ursa the ghost bear


Ill have to go check out this book then

Pans Labyrinth = Most overrated film of all time


Maybe the research on the medicinal factor is true, but i doubt the whole taking of the soul (put it in a bottle), dreams, witch doctor etc etc is based on true events.

**Accio Harry's virginity!**
