MovieChat Forums > Scrooged (1988) Discussion > Murray accidentally hits his secretary?

Murray accidentally hits his secretary?

The scene where Murray is being escorted to the elevator, he leaps up in the air in shock when he sees the guy in the Grim Reaper costume - he quite clearly smacks his secretary on the jaw, I assume this was accidental and they decided to keep the shot and work it into subsequent shots (she is seen rubbing her jaw in one of the following shots).

Just another unscripted physical mishap to add to the restaurant slip!


It almost seems like she may be laughing a little when she initially gets hit and when it switched angles, she is clearly distraught. Nice catch!

<3 Amber
"Ever Dance With The Devil in the Pale Moonlight?"


It might be, or it could be in the script itself. I'd like to know myself.


I always thought the same, that it was unintentional but they decided to leave it in and add the extra shots.

I have a new philosophy. I'm only going to dread one day at a time.


Ha ha sock it to her.


I'm watching the movie right now and that scene just happened not long ago. I also thought, "Whoa, did he actually (accidentally) hit her? Ow." But I wasn't sure. But I wouldn't be surprised if he really did and they left it in because it worked out so well.

"I shall slip unnoticed through the darkness like a dark, unnoticable slippy thing."


"I know what you came for come and get it you.............(quietly) PUSSY!

I'm sorry, couldn't resist.


Yeah it really looks like he elbowed her in the jaw, and her reaction to it seems like she DID get cracked in the face. Similar to "There's Something About Mary" when Ben Stiller's character is on the gurney after the unfortunate Frank and Beans incident--they accidentally dropped the gurney and busted his elbow, but it worked so well in the scene so they ran with it. Comedy hurts, kids!

Blood never lies.



I never noticed that either until I watched it a couple weeks ago.
Poor Grace, not only does Frank take advantage of her, but hits
her too.


Here is the scene in HD. I had it on the DVR from ABC-Family last night. She does take a shot.


that's not in the spirit of the holiday. ξ€·



I have never noticed this and I watch it every year. I'm watching it now and will definitely look for it.


I had never noticed it before, but noticed it this time round when watching it last night.

Murray has talked about how much of Ghostbusters was improv, so there's probably a fair bit in this film, too.

The Historical Meow


I've also always wondered if the slip and fall as Murray's character is leaving the restaurant (after he throws water on the waiter, telling him he thought he was Richard Pryor) wasn't accidental and they just left it in.
