MovieChat Forums > Scarecrows (1991) Discussion > Scarecrows was on The Movie Channel 1/10...

Scarecrows was on The Movie Channel 1/10/06

Hey guys, Scarecrows was on late last night and I recorded it, and funny, a MGM logo came on as the movie started. It was the Rated R version, but I already had the Unrated version I got on Ebay...great movie. If anyone wants a good spooky movie, kinda B-rated production value, and decent special effects, check this out. I will be worth your time, however the unrated version has so much more essential gore. I just hope Anchor Bay or Shreik Show/Media Blasters gets this as The Unrated Version. Maybe with MGM showing it on The Movie Channel, they will release it, and if they do, I bet it will be the Rated R version and not the Unrated Version. Just remember, The Unrated Verison. I guess I said that enough, lol.

"You Know You're Butter When You're On A Roll..." - Stuart Scott, Sportscenter


Hey, it's coming on again Saturday January 28th at 11:30pm, so don't miss it!

"You Know You're Butter When You're On A Roll..." - Stuart Scott, Sportscenter


There's no reason why MGM or which ever studio gets hold of Scarecrows, can't release this film in all its gory glory. It's pretty tame by todays standards. Having purchased the abysmal Dragon Entertainment release I hope it's not long before we get a definitive HDD DVD release.


Hey, you have that right...the unrated version is the only real way to see Scarecrows. I love DVD but sometimes I feel they are going too far with all of this HDD enhancement. Give me unrated originals any day.

"You Know You're Butter When You're On A Roll..." - Stuart Scott, Sportscenter


I actually taped this version as well and there was no difference between this and the original unrated version, strange as that sounds there was no difference. Maybe it re-submitted for a rating when MGM bought it but as far as I could tell it was uncut.


The only noticeable difference between the original rated VHS version, and the Dragon DVD release I have, is the scene involving Kellys father, in the rated version we are not shown his corpse barbwired to a cross having been stuffed with straw and crows *beep* it's included on the unrated DVD cut though.


I think i saw this movie as a kid, is there a part where a scarecrow cuts a guys hand off with a hack saw?


Yep, this is the same movie. I watched most of it last night (missed the very beginning) for the first time. It's an okay movie. The part where the scarecrow stabs the guy in the head was a bit gross and definetely very gross when the guy was gutted and stuffed with the money and they are taking the money out. This movie has some gory parts and good creepy atmosphere, but it tended to drag in places and they show some of the same scenes over and over again. But there is something very creepy about scarecrows trying to kill you!
As a kid I remember watching Dark Night of the Scarecrow on TV and THAT movie was scary and creepy to me, more so than this one.


its on tonite on SCREAM for you canadians at 1050

You don't know life till you've f ucked death in the gall bladder.


I watched it on SCREAM and it was widescreen! Maybe a dvd release is just around the corner? It also looked uncut.

