MovieChat Forums > Scarecrows (1991) Discussion > Monsters HD version of Scarecrows...

Monsters HD version of Scarecrows...

Does anyone know if this version that airs on Monsters HD is edited? I see a run time of 83 minutes which says to me that it is edited to the crappy RT rated version. I thought Monsters HD only releases the unedited versions of movies?

The picture quality is great on it though (from the little bit I watched)...still, I don't want to waste 83 minutes watching the edited version when I would rather pop in my old VHS tape that is unedited.


According to the IMDb 83 minutes IS the correct runtime for the film. Time your tape from the second just before the opening credits sequence starts and it should come out to roughly 82m 50sec if it's the unedited/unrated print. I have not seen the rated version but the total runtime of those is probably 80 minutes.


Stupid MPAA with their censorship cuts making this confusing ...


you are correct. I checked the runtime of my old unrated VHS as well as the Monsters HD version and they aree the same so it is indeed the unrated version. You are correct, I H A T E the MPAA.


Hi, I am new to the board. I was wondering if anyone of you can make me a copy of the monsters hd version. I have several bad copies of the old vhs and it would be nice to see a better copy. Thanx in advance.


My copy is a $1 DVD double feature from East West DVD, also 83 minutes- which is a relief considering that EWDVD sometimes edit films or pull from edited VHS copies.

(Actually most of their stuff is from VHS either way, unedited or not. I'll gladly take a fresh MGM release with extras and crisper quality)


yep i got the same double has garden of the dead on with it.
