How hot was...

Bald and bearish Ted Vernin in this film? I was so sure he was going to kick the bucket early, but was thrilled that he held on throughout the film. Just wished he would have lost the shirt at some point....

--Daniel W. Kelly, author, "Closet Monsters: Zombied Out and Tales of Gothrotica"




I totally agree, he was super hot...Dax was too!

--No more "remakes"!!!!--


Hell yes!

I was more into Jack, but 2 super hot bearish men in 1 movie!? That's a rarity. The movie was surprisingly effective to boot, though I would have watched it through regardless. And yeah I was thinking the same thing: don't kill him yet, don't kill him yet lol


Yeah, the man meat count was nice in this one. Pretty rare, especially for movies back then.

--Daniel W. Kelly, author, "Closet Monsters: Zombied Out and Tales of Gothrotica"


Ted Vernon and the character called Jack were big beary beauties in this film!


David DeCouteau should take note. THIS is how you cast MEN in a movie!

--Daniel W. Kelly, author, "Closet Monsters: Zombied Out and Tales of Gothrotica"


At least you could try to spell his name right. Right ?


dude wtf

the daughter was hot.
