
Why did nobody go on to anything else??? The director directed 2 more movies only and starred in a red-shoe diaries episode. None of the actors were anything else (except Vernon) who did some Bmovies. I thought a couple of the actors were good and Wesley should have directed some more horror films.

"Karate training is good, but contact fighting like this is the only way to prepare for the street"


take a wild guess.


Look at the cinematographer though. Deming went on to shoot most of the Scream series, Drag Me to Hell, and a good number of non-genre films with rather large price-tags. Well done Deming!

"Did IQs just drop sharply while I was away?"


and I assume the editor was murdered?
I play cards with J.D. Shelnut, chief of PO-lice! So kiss my ass, you old bastard!


Because the movies trash?

The cinematographer went on to do some decent genre work but his work on this was uninspired save for using a green filter to mimic night vision.
