Bodycount for anyone who wants to know(Major Spoilers)
1.B.J Turner-Bert-Stabbed in the chest and ripped open and stuffed with cash resurrected as scarecrow demon
2.David James Campbell-Al-Killed off screen Possible cause of death strangled with barbed wire and has eye taken is later found strung up like a scarecrow is buried but comes back as a demon is later blown up by a grenade by Corbin.
3.Richard Vidan-Jack-Has his hand cut off and then gets stabbed in the face comes back as a demon.
4.Kristina Sanborn-Roxanne-stabbed in the hand with a pitchfork and stabbed through the back with a knife.
5.Michael David Simms-Curry-Stabbed in the stomach by Scarecrow demon jack.
6.Ted Vernon-Corbin-Stabbed in the leg multiple times and stabbed in the stomach by Scarecrow Demon Al Sacrifices himself to save Kellie by blowing himself up with scarecrow demon al with a grenade.
Survivors-Kellie and Her Dog.
And to those who prob didn't get it it appears the scarecrows awake every time someone crosses into the barrier it appears blood is what awakes them to also it seems the scarecrows cant leave the house or the cornfields but the ones they kill can.
"Excuse me a sec. What are you babbling about?"-John Bender The Breakfast Club