Aerobics zombie scene

I've just watched the film again, since it came out and I distinctly remember there being a scene where a zombie copies the aerobics instructor on tv, but in the version I just watched it isn't there. Anyone remember that scene also? Why was it cut?


She's hilarious! How could they cut that scene?


It's not just my imagination then? I can't find any reference to it, anywhere.


I vaguely remember that as well although I haven't watched the film in well over 10 years. I was expecting one of the zombies to start doing exercises so I was a bit surprised when it didn't. The scene where the zombie was staring at the television watching the aerobics instructor was one of the best parts of the movie, though.





In the version I saw, the zombie just stops in the middle of trying to eat a human to watch aerobics on TV.
